JW Mentality

by Crooked Lumpy Vessel 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    I recently received a visit from a sister who is moving out of the area. She was telling me how she would live in her new place on the weekends and then stay here locally in an apartment (Mon - Fri) while she and her husband finish out their last year before retirement.

    What made the conversation so mental was she was explaining this to me in terms of how she would be attending her meetings. Sunday meeting there...book study here, feild service here and there. Why do JWs feel obligated to let others know that they are not missing any meetings? Did she think I cared. Honestly, that was the last thing on my mind.

  • kls

    In a JW mind they must feel worthy in knowing that they are attending all meetings and being a good JW. There are also JW spies that would not give a second thought of going to the Elders with gossip of a person missing meetings. It all about looks and patting ones self on the back showing they are the good little JW to who ever will listen.

  • DireStraitJacket

    Attending meetings and going out in field service etc. are the most important things in their lives, its stuff that cannot be missed. For at least 2 years after I stopped going to meetings I still had a funny feeling on tuesdays and thursdays and sundays, like there was something important or urgent that I had to go do, than a feeling of relief, when I realised I could just watch tv or sleep in instead.

    At home the schedule is still governed by meeting times, like late supper on tuesdays and thursdays, no lunch on sundays.

    Now I have problems prioritising other stuff

  • BluesBrother

    "Why do JWs feel obligated to let others know that they are not missing any meetings? Did she think I cared. Honestly, that was the last thing on my mind.Why do JWs feel obligated to let others know that they are not missing any meetings? "

    Conscience...Thats why . It is drummed in, Hebrews 10.25. " Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together", or as I used sometimes to read it to the congo from the N E B , "Not staying away from our meetings as some do",

    The poor woman has to justify it to herself, not only to you. At least they made provision for retirement..

    (Edited after a false start, BB musta hit the wrong button)

  • kls

    Wow ,you left BluesBrothers speech less.

  • The Thinker
    The Thinker

    They live in fear of each other. They are their own policemen. They have no real friends, friends that you can be open and honest with, The spirituality that they claim they have is only the spirituality that others can view, not the real spirituality that only God sees. Everyone is in a rat race of seeing who is the most spiritual. Branding names on people is a favorite of the WTS, and no one wants to be branded "spirituality weak"

  • Flash
    Why do JWs feel obligated to let others know that they are not missing any meetings?

    To make sure everybody knows their 'spiritual' and not to mark them! It's part of their 'cult mentality.'

  • Quotes

    DireStraitJacket (nice name!) said:

    For at least 2 years after I stopped going to meetings I still had a funny feeling on tuesdays and thursdays and sundays, like there was something important or urgent that I had to go do, than a feeling of relief, when I realised I could just watch tv or sleep in instead.

    Glad I wasn't the only one! Man, I had the "hooky" feeling for the longest time. But that is so far behind me I almost forgot about it.

    ~Quotes, of the "I've come a long way, baby!" class

  • GermanXJW

    She surely does not forget to send greetings from one congregation to the other.

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