Have they started giving receipt out at the KH for literature taken?

by qwerty 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • qwerty

    I happened to see a receipt with my wifes name on it ................


    Sis ************

    1 Pocket size NWT

    Signed ....... ************* (by my wife)

    It seems at my old KH they are keeping track on who takes what.

    I wonder if they then check the donations each meeting and somehow check if publishers are paying for the free literature!!!!!!

    Anyone else know about this, isb it a new society directive????


  • dh
    I wonder if they then check the donations each meeting and somehow check if publishers are paying for the free literature!!!!!!

    i haven't heard of that, but i would guess that is the reason, because since it's all on donations basis, a lot of people will be freeloading.

  • ezekiel3

    I am not aware of this. As always, scrupulous records are recorded for in and out going pubs. I think it's about time to pick up some more free literature and find out!

    Freeloader of the "you received free, contribute none" class

  • qwerty

    I just found seeing a receipt a bit odd!

    If they tally everything incoming and out going, then why the need for receipt!

    I used to be the litature servant for ages, we just had an A4 sized book for ordering and ticking when taken.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Does it have some kind of tax advantage for either the publisher, or the corporation, as a non-prophet? Just curious...

    Country Girl

  • qwerty

    There was no price on the receipt just who took it, what it was and my wife signature!


  • undercover

    Maybe it's just for special order items. I seem to remember that a pocket size NWT was special order, but I could be wrong.

    Even then, it might just be that particular congregation. Maybe they have people who order stuff but never pick it up. This way they can make sure that their stock doesn't get out of hand and to keep the friends honest on their orders.

    Just a thought.

  • qwerty


    Maybe they have people who order stuff but never pick it up. This way they can make sure that their stock doesn't get out of hand and to keep the friends honest on their orders.

    Good point, that might be it.



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