When You are Sick

by simplesally 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    Xenawarrior is sick, as we all know. When I am sick, I like to lay on the couch with a heavy blanket and drink tea. I miss being near my mom so she can take care of me!!

    When you are sick what do you do?

    Give us your soup recipes (Sheila mentioned Wedding Soup)...what is that?

    What hot drink do you like to sip on?

    Who cuddles you and makes you feel better?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I get crabby when I am sick, and don't want anyone near me. I drink lots of herbal tea and sleep alot.

    Country Girl

  • MegaDude

    Camp on the couch.

    Eat cereal

    Watch all those movies I've been meaning to get around to.

    Hey, that kinda sounds like fun. I wish I was sick.

  • StinkyPantz

    I moan.. the vibrations are soothing..

  • Scully

    I stay in bed and medicate myself with tylenol and/or dramamine (if I'm nauseous).

    My kids bring me toast with cinnamon sugar on top and tea. Sometimes I'll have chicken broth, but mostly water and clear juice.

    I have a favorite blanket that I wrap around me. I sleep. I watch TV or favorite movies.

    I whine. A lot. People stay away from me because I'm whiny and cranky. I like that. Mr. Scully makes grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup for supper. I get it brought to me on a tray and I get to eat it in bed and dust all the cracker crumbs on his side of the bed. That's kinda fun. When I'm at this stage, everyone knows I'm starting to feel better, so I try to fake it a bit longer. (Hell, I look after people all the time... it's nice to be catered to once in a while!!)

    Love, Scully

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    When I am sick with a fever, I'm with Stinky Pants . . . there is something so soothing about moaning!

    Usually, you'll find me either in bed watching TV or sleeping . . . or taking a long, hot bath! I've been known to spend many hours in the bath to nurse the chills!

    As for food, usually nothing. But gotta have the carbonated water when I'm sick to my stomach.

    - CF

  • dh

    when i am sick i spend my time with stinkypantz and carefully faded... as they said.

    the moaning is soothing!
  • Confucious


    Wedding Soup (full name: Italian Wedding Soup) is much like Chicken Noodle Soup.

    It has a chicken-type broth and has small pasta balls, small meatballs and I think spinnach.

    In my opinion, Chicken Noodle (or brothy soups) really work because:

    a) It rehydrates you. (with the salt and all that)

    b) Some of the spices like garlic and pepper cleans out your system.

    I haven't been sink in over two years every since I started this routine of eating soup and salad for lunch.

    EVERY DAY!!!

    I mostly do it, because I like having a light lunch that doesn't weigh me down.

    But besides the salad, I feel the soup keeps me healthy by rehydrates me good and I like the black pepper because of the taste. But I think it also keeps my sinus' clear.


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