I saw this picture on someone's T-Shirt!

by Nancy Drake 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    I saw this picture on a girl's t-shirt. It had the name of a punk band on it. I can't remember the name now, but the girl said they were pretty well known in the "punk community." I was wondering if anyone else happened to know anything about this, and why the band would put this pic on their t-shirts!

    I sorta freaked from the conjuring of supressed memories when I saw this girl's shirt. She probably thought I was psycho for buggin her about it.

  • dh

    hahaha, i remember that picture so well! i don't know which punk band it is, they are probably a jw punk band!

  • Lostreality

    anyone else notice that the guy that is being held up is also gettin FELT up??

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake
    anyone else notice that the guy that is being held up is also gettin FELT up??

    Lostreality...LOL I never noticed the guy with the knife grabbing his boobie.

  • RR

    Ah, JW's are a bunch of punks anyways.


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