Babysitter taught daughter to pray to Jesus, JW moms NOT happy

by Netty 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Netty

    I have a new babysitter, and she asked my permission to teach my daughter to pray before she eats. I said absolutley go for it, I would like that. Fast forward a couple of weeks, sitting by my (JW) mom on the couch, she is APPALLED "did you know the babysitter taught (daughter) to say thank you for the food JESUS"???? Apparently my two year old had managed to report this to my mom. Arent' babies just the cutest?

    I said "YES MOM, and when we sit down to eat we all hold hands (GASP, not done growing up JW) and thank GOD for the food, we dont say Jehovah"

    If looks could kill, well, dont think I'd be posting this on this board today.

  • Elsewhere

    And they say they aren't a high-control cult.

  • Kaethra

    so funny...they are hard pressed to admit when confronted that it was Jesus who created everything earthly-wise....they'll say Jehovah created through Jesus, but according to their own holy book it was Jesus who did the creating! If I make a fabulous meal I don't say that my mother made it through me! I made it myself, goddamn it!

    In other words, if your daughter is to thank any invisible judeo-christian version of god for her food, it ought to be Jesus. :)

  • Satanus

    Jesus is still making food?? Aaaa That's a joke. Stop spitting food at me.

    Seriously though, that's cute.


  • Netty
    I don't say that my mother made it through me! I made it myself, goddamn it!

    Thats too funny!

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