THE FULL MONTY! Jehovah's striptease

by Terry 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    If we are to believe Scripture, Jehovah has been performing one long striptease over the centuries. His plan has hidden parts we all long to see.

    Little by little he has dropped a shoulder strap and flashed a peek with the cat and mouse of prophecy.

    He has done the old bump and grind with revealing his Messiah and then snatching him away again.

    He teases us with Revelation and coaxes us with heaven.

    And the 2nd Coming? Now you see it and now you don't! Oh for a good long glimpse!

    Who really is the Faithful and Discreet slave? PEEKABOO!!

    And does Jehovah just do what needs to be done? NO. Heaven's no! He has to tittilate us with SIGNS of the last days! Stay on the watch you might miss it when Jesus does the Full Monty!

    Isn't this all a bit crude; this teasing and tittilating?

    If there is a job to be done; do it! Don't just talk about it and hint at it and plant clues and whisper sacred secrets in the ears of crackpots!

    Does anybody else see the plot of God's bestseller as just one long striptease? Is all of Christendom just waiting for the Full Monty?

  • DaCheech

    Got me, unlike what the Watchtower says (the bible agrees with itself and fullfills itself) the bible

    is one big contradiction after another. and just like any modern society the ruled are diffrent for

    the rich than the poor!

    Example (rules of man -vs- women)

    example (rules for rich (david, solomon) and poor (man who stole from the city being destroyed))

    many more examples to even mention!

  • RunningMan

    I give you a "G" for Use of Illustrations. Now, if you could work on Gestures a little bit.

  • Terry

    How about this gesture?

    (edited for bird removal)

  • RunningMan

    Well, your empasis was good (large font), but, since I read the post fairly quickly, you might want to work on pausing.

  • DaCheech

    With so many religions, God must be joking with us

    The riddle is.................

  • Terry

    If only we could begin life without any phoney stories!

    If only we were born with a truly fresh start!

    Just the facts---wouldn't that be nice?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    That's exactly how I was brought into the world Terry.

    Well...........according to my father that is.

  • poppers

    As usual Terry, I find your writing crisp, imaginative, and entertaining.

    In another post in this thread you said, "If only we could begin life without any phoney stories!" We do, but it get systematically stripped away from us by parents and societal institutions and our heads get filled up with all sorts of nonsense. Each of us has been hood-winked into believing we are separate entities who are wrapped up in our own 'story of me', and we don't even consider the possiblity that this may not be true. Those who do the hood-winking have themselves been hood-winked, so they don't know any better.

    You said, 'If only we were born with a truly fresh start!' Again, we were - and you can return to that 'fresh start' at any time. Investigate directly who it is that believes in the 'story of me' and other such phoney stories which dance in our minds and are clung to by the ego.

    'Who am I?' is the question that will lead you back into the natural state you were born with. This question redirects awareness from what's outside oneself toward the 'entity' which asks the question. Try to locate this entity and see if it's real or just a matrix of ideas you have about the indentity which you cling to as 'me'. This is the question that can change how life is viewed and lived, and is the most important question one can ask if one is serious about knowing what you actually are.

    If you are serious about this question you are making yourself available for the most amazing adventure.


  • Terry
    'Who am I?' is the question that will lead you back into the natural state you were born with. This question redirects awareness from what's outside oneself toward the 'entity' which asks the question. Try to locate this entity and see if it's real or just a matrix of ideas you have about the indentity which you cling to as 'me'. This is the question that can change how life is viewed and lived, and is the most important question one can ask if one is serious about knowing what you actually are.

    If you are serious about this question you are making yourself available for the most amazing adventure.


    I'm starting to think there are so many distractions in the life of thinking people they seldom get the opportunity (read: make the opportunity) to ask important questions that can MAKE A DIFFERENCE to their lives.

    Jehovah's Witnesses seem to live in the space between the Ahh ahh of the sneeze and the CHOO! which never comes.

    That can't be much of a life.


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