What happened to hell?

by Country Girl 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    What Happened To Hell?

    By Dennis L. Siluk
    Aug 21, 2004

    It's a strange thing, I get people telling me how happy they were to see the Jehovah Witnesses brought out as a cult, and they tell me how they've been destructive to their families, and then I get the guy from some Technologies Company that says in essence, I shall paraphrase him: he is sorry for me because I believe in hell [which every Christian, real Christian believes in], and tells me how sick I am to believe in such doctrines. That means all Christians are sick who believe in Hell, you can tell where he is coming from; or I can anyways. Then he wants to debate me, not sure in what, because he says he is not a Jehovah Witness. I suggested he write his own article, that may be his best bet, or should I debate him, not sure on what [proven facts of Christianity, for is that not what we are talking about, what Christ did, and who he was, and what did he say; not what Charles Taze Russell said]. He will even use my Bible, so he says, that is daring; and that could be dangerous, but he is the President of the Technologies, he makes sure I see that each time he writes. Actually, I just noticed it, but I guess he has written a few times, and I see now he has used it before.

    He is afraid for me, and I try to tell him, not to be, I don't fear Hell, so what is there to be afraid of me for. I do fear for him though, because when he gets to the Gates of Hell, Satan will tune him in quickly. I make fun of it, but it is not funny, it is sad at best. So forgive me for that. He wants me to shut up, that is what he wants, forget the 1st Amendment, as long as it works for him; again, a one-way street. But I am used to people like that. And all these JWs writing me, I can't believe the dirty language they use, the scorn, I wouldn't repeat it to you even. Maybe it is called hard-love in their book. I even got people letting me know each and every word I may have misspelled; if that is the best you can do, it's not very good. I mean you are really looking hard to find something. And if I happen to use the wrong word - as one person said, I miss lead the world because of a word. Listen up, you got the message, and one word, if it was the wrong word, which I doubt it was, is not going to change a cult to a true Christian Church, you are grabbing straws. If I had the time and energy I'd debate you publicly, and may if I find the time, but this week I'm busy with all these beautiful emails from the JW's, with tongues like serpents.

    It is well known; now that I think of it, maybe not so well known, Charles Taze Russell founder of the now Jehovah's Witnesses at an early age rejected the doctrine of eternal suffering [Hell], as my email protagonist has; it has been said, the reason being most likely because of the stern indoctrination Russell had as a Congregationalist. Thus, he denounced and made a long career of denouncing Organized Religions. So you know what you got, less than a Christian Church; or maybe he is writing and what Christ said in the Bible is wrong. I'm not going to play with that, it is well understood Christ's belief in Hell.

    In addition, Russell had arguments on "the atonement" of Christ. In l975, there were 244,000,000 members, and JWs have grown ecstatically since. They are not as rich as the Vatican, not yet, but they are working hard to achieve it. All the real estate they own I wouldn't have enough room to put in this article. [Dedicated to my antagonist from the Technologies, whatever].


    About the author: Mr. Siluk is a world traveler, a lover of the mysteries around the world, and has visit many World Heritage Sites, the most recent being Easter Island and the Galapagos. His most recent book: "After Eve," and his 26th book thus far, can be seen on/at Barns and Nobel.com, Amazon.com, Walmart and several other sites. He spends his time between Lima, Peru and St. Paul, Minnesota, and is wroking on two more books: "Stay Down, Old Abram," and "Curse of the Abyss Worm," the second being a suspensful mystery.

    Visit http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

  • XQsThaiPoes

    The thing is JW armegeddon is better than any hell doctrine. It only effects people alive at the end of the world which are relatively few (considering it happens after WWIII). Hell potentially encompasses every person in history that did not end up in heaven. Even the touchy feely hell "away from God" is more horrible than paradise or oblivion the jws give you.

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