to any former elders Amazing

by jurs 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    it does seem to me like elders are masters of double talk. for example, last night during my talk with the elders i said i did not believe the organization is the mouthpiece of God. that i believed the bible was God's word. one elder said that the org doesn't believe that. i'm confused. the faithful and discreet slave distributes spiritual food at the proper time . it provides that info in books and the watchtower. how could they say that?? it was a passing comment and things were heated and we went back to the topic of shunning.
    are u taught as an elder to avoid directly answering certain questions????
    do u remember other elders being misleading to questions asked?
    just curious....jurs

  • DannyBear


    It is not so much as being trained to not answer, but conditioned.

    All jw's seem to develope this maddening tendancy to ignore, hard questions. Their own 'peace and security' depend on it.

    Is it any wonder why the org makes such a big deal about reading, outside info? They have known for 120yrs, that if someone is allowed to think or reason on their own, there is a strong possibility he/she will discover the 'bullshit'.

    So when elder's avoid the hard questions, it is simply a reflection of what's going on in their minds. Cult's are master's at creating mind blocks or dead ends, in the thinking process of all their adherants.

    You probably saw, the change of expression in their eye's and demeanor. It is really the sole result of mind control, and incessant indoctrination.

    You succeeded in making their poor warped minds, run full speed into many of those 'road blocks'! Good for you, again.


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