Top 10 Reasons Why JK is like a JW

by ColdRedRain 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Federal law demands that there's equal time in all election campaiigns :)

    10: Both have been on both sides of various issues.

    9: Both are known for looking goofy in a suit and tie

    8: Both have a tendancy to rip money off of old widows.

    7: Both are Northeastern institutions that use scare tactics to get people to follow them

    6: Both rely on the mantra of "Where will you go if you abandon us?".

    5: Both are found on the street corner dodging critical questions.

    4: Both are pseudo religioius.

    3: Both lie about their wartime pasts.

    2: Both have former supporters they demonize when they dare question their motives.

    And finally, number one......

    1: Both want to curry favor with France via the UN!

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