Help Please!!!!

by sandy 9 Replies latest social family

  • sandy

    My niece announced to the entire family she is disfellowshipped and I got t cornered.

    I was in the room when she told the family (dumb me being nosey) and my family started asking me questions about going back to the meetings.

    I told them I do not believe in organized religion and some days I doubt the biblical existance of God. I told them about the UN Scandal and they do not believe it.

    They think it is a plot by Satan somehow to mislead people away from the organization.

    After being cornered by five of them I went into my shell and didn't defend my thoughts very well. If any of you want to pm me with a phone number I would apprecaite talking with any of you that think you may be of help. I would post all the conversation here but I am at work and on a co-worker' computer. I cannot take up too much time here.


  • Elsewhere

    Oh no. ((((( Sandy )))))

  • codeblue

    (((Sandy))) I feel so bad for you.....

    I am a fader and my family live far away......I am dealing with my issues to and it isn't a piece of cake. I find myself either getting real upset with them or lying cause I know they will "shun" me.

    I have stood up however on the issue of the UN.....They think the UN is an apostate website!!! OMG, talk about not wanting to realize your religion could be hypocritical....They have their head in the sand and are happy with their denial

    I am trying to figure out a diplomatic way of keeping my "inner peace"....I am really struggling with it the past month. My depression has risen....I am sure it is worse because I am alone a lot because my husband travels all over the US and Canada for work...



  • Maverick

    A 28 year old adult should not have to defend or even explain her feelings about religion to anyone. Mav ..Tell them to MYOB!

  • BluesBrother

    Maverick is right, - in theory , but life is not always like that.

    I understand how you felt.. The number of times that I have been with family and it is on tip of my tongue to say something contradictory when they talk of things'theocratic', but , usually I funk it and opt for the quiet life by telling myself that "Now is not the right time" or " I should not abuse their hospitality by starting an argument" . In reality the moment passes and I have said nothing.... All the best wishes and I hope all turns out ok.

  • SheilaM

    YEA Mav....he's right....why take such abuse, turn it back on them and say "oh and THIS is the loving way you treat people" I just say you harbor pedophiles....shuts em right up

  • fifi

    Hi Sandy,

    I feel so bad for you. I know what you must feel like, and it is true that it would be nice to feel free enough to give your opinions, but I agree with Blues Brother when he says about it 'not being the right time'. These things can be really hard. The emotional ties can be so painful.

    I hope everything turns out OK for you (and your niece).

    Keep smiling


  • frenchbabyface


    Fifi : I hope everything turns out OK for you (and your niece).
    and I would say don't try to convince them too much ... it takes time - they are ready or not ... (think about you first)
  • Sassy

    ahhh Sandy.. I don't probably have answers but I have a listening ear.. call me if you need to talk..

    in case you have lost my number, I'll pm it to you

  • confusedjw

    I hope you and your niece can support one another.

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