Religious Tribunals

by RR 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    The following article was made known to me recently on another forum, it's on the practice of Sharia in Canada. "Can tolerant Canada tolerate sharia?"

    The Article examines the application of the Religious Arbritration Act of 1991 which allows religious leaders to handle certain civil matters legally within the family so to speak.

    The implication of that law across the board is scary to contemplate. They're thinking of expanding that power of religious tribunals! One wonder if the WT Society has taken note of that law and are quietly using it? Certainly it isn't hard to see how it might put it to use if the powers are expanded across the board.


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Interesting wouldn't it be something if the West in separqation of church and state decide to outlaw religious tribunals. I mean there is no need for them and they mostly impose on the civil rights of the person being punished by having a paragovernmental entity rule over civilians. I mean vijilante justice is illegal and it works on the same pricipal. If you cant lynche a person how come you can judge them.

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