Weird KH stories

by Jez 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jez

    What is your weirdest experience at a KH?

    One Sunday, a kind older brother raised his hand to comment, all of a sudden, his foot shot out, he fell off his chair and started to shake. Everyone was hushed and shocked. HERE IS THE KICKER!!!..WHILE 2 brothers carried this obviously dying man to the back of the KH, the wt conductor CONTINUED with the WT study until finally...seeing that NO ONE was paying attention, stopped the study.

    What did we all do? Sat there in silence until the ambulance came, (20 mins) took poor brother away, then finished the study with only the questions. IMAGINE!!!!!!!

    He died the next day due to an anurism. (sp?) It was a horrifying experience to witness and yet "THE SHOW MUST GO ON" mentality was unforgiveable! Our whole culture is (correction, was) one of false love and callousness. I am sure many other examples exist, especially regarding those of us who would hear children being spanked for not being 100% quiet. Is it any wonder why JW adults can ignore df family and friends??? They have been subtly taught to be callous from day one.


  • Sweetp0985

    Jez that was just the good ole "loving" borg showing their love toward their "brother."

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    The mental state of a JW is incredible.

    We are taught not to mourn excessively over a person so as to forget where we stand in the scheme of things. A sister in our congregation lost her baby girl at age 2. Another sister was commenting on how this sister's service time and meeting attendence dropped. I was like, "Didnt her baby die" and this pioneer sister snapped at me something like, "That was a couple of years ago". As if there was a time limit on grief. At the congregation level we are constantly being judged by our brothers and sisters.

    Obedience is the order of the day. Any deviation from what we are counseled on might cause excessive gossip or even counsel from a brother. It is fear of our brothers and sisters that keep us from being human, and fear of reprimand. Fear rules.

    You are right, our natural inclination to show love for one another and our fellow human is supressed and we are redressed/reconditioned to show love the WTS way, which is to not let anything stand in the way of field service recruitment.

  • Confucious

    I remember one WT on Greed.

    A few days before, some young kid died in a freak bungy jumping accident.

    Anyway, by Sunday, it was front page news that the parents were sueing the bungy jumping operation.

    Bottom line was, some goof in the audience raises their hand - brought up that incident and said, "See. That's greed (that they were sueing).

  • recoveringjw

    Have been lurking around here for a few days, thought it would be good to post something:

    I remember once, when my niece was about 6 months old, we were at a Sunday meeting and she started to get fussy(bad, disobedient baby). My sister got up and was walking around in the back of the KH with her. All of a sudden, an older sister came by and snatched my niece from my sister's arms and carried her to the bathroom. My mother was there too and I don't think I have ever seen her move so fast. The sister who grabbed my niece was...oh, let's just be blunt here and say...totally ass-over-tea-kettle CRAZY. Everyone who saw this little drama was pretty concerned over what was going to happen to the baby. We rescued her and then left. My sister was beyond upset.

    I have more, but that is the one that popped into my head when I was reading the other posts.


  • Gadget

    Welcome recoveringjw.

  • cruzanheart

    Welcome, recoveringjw! I remember a KH book study once, an afternoon one to accommodate the elderly, that my dad conducted. One of the single moms there had a special needs son who was grown but with the mental capacity of a 3-year-old. He took exception to something (maybe the boring stuff we were discussing) and got up and had a flaming temper tantrum, yelling at his mother and stomping his feet in the aisle. It would have been funny except he outweighed everyone there and I was a little worried that he might attack someone. Fortunately, his mom got him calmed down and the study continued (of course).


  • Odinseeker

    ok, bookstudy in an elderly sisters home, my unc was conducting, 4 adult women, 9 or 10 kids (age 16 down to 3ish), myself being 15 at the time and the only other male in the room had the privlage of reading. some scripture in luke i think it was where it says "sins will be blotted out" only i read "skins being blotted out", i looked up at one of my sisters and she looked at me then started pulling at the skin on her arm, well i lost it and started giggling as did she, another of my sisters, my mother, and my aunt. we got settled down after about 5mins then one of the young ones (3ish) was sitting under the kitchen table and he was sucking on his sock, while still on his foot. it was wintertime and so the sock had the black from his boots (more likely it was just plain dirt from never being washed) and as he sat there sucking on his sock one by one we all disloved back into fits of laughter all that was except for my uncle. he never did get what was so funny eh it was funny when it happened then there was the time when i slipped and the toilet seat slamed down and a MS came running back to the bathroom accusing me of playing in there i was 14 or 15 at the time and as we all know that were most young boys play.... oh wait .... neverming :O tim s

  • dh

    a sister goes alone to house (on field service)

    the man inside house intends to murder sister (he must have been vexed by her keeping calling)

    the man see's sister at the door with two big men, one either side of her...

    the man thinks twice and decides not to kill sister.

    the next time jw's call around, the man relates the story of the sister with two big men.

    the original sister gets to hear this from the other jw's and says 'i was alone, there were no men with me'

    the moral of the story is... the men were angels that jehovah had sent to protect the sister.

    a true story i heard when i was a jw

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