Children preaching in the freezing rain.

by heyfea 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • heyfea

    A long time ago,on cold and rainy Halloween, while I was still in the borg, I was waiting for my husband in a corner, and remember watching parents and their little children in their Halloween customs going from store to store collecting candy. I thought that the parents were absolut morons. Now that I'm out, I think, the JWs parents are ALSO morons. Thank God I've never taking my son with me out when it was cold or rainy. At least I had some comon sense even in the borg.

    Did any of you take your children out on bad weather?

  • Dawn

    I'm sure I did - but I just don't remember it.

    But I do remember one freezing Halloween taking my son trick-or-treating. Believe me - I would have much rather stayed in by the fire and drink hot cocoa - but he, being 5 at the time, was having NONE of that! He wanted to go trick-or-treating even though it was only about 3 degrees outside. So I bundled him up and took him for as long as he wanted.

    I would imagine it makes a difference WHAT you're doing in the bad weather. If the kids want to go - then so be it. I've been snow skiing in some pretty horrendous snow storms and thought it was a blast. But door-to-door in a milder cold rainy day - nah!

  • RR

    Okay, how about kids who go trick-or-treating in the rain dressed up like Jehovah's Witnesses?


  • Dawn

    I wanted to go to my friend's halloween costume party dressed as a JW - but he told me I would get thrown out.

    So I opted to go as a black cat instead. I do have to say - the cat costume was cuter than the JW costume!

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes I have taken my kids out in bad weather - looking back it was a BAD witness - NOT a good one

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