Okay kid's ,who has had Tennis Elbow surgery?

by kls 1 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • kls

    Will it never end. Remember last year i had rotator cuff surgery and had part of my shoulder taken off because i let the infection go to long? Well even if you don't i sure as hell do. Well i have had a problem with my elbow , i have trouble lifting all most anything or grasping. I finally went to my Orthopedic doc and found i have Tennis Elbow, he gave me two injections of Cortisone in my elbow( OUCH ) first shot ( OUCH&&&&&) second shot. I have three weeks to see if it helps, if not i go under the knife again.

    Hopefully these shots will work but my luck it won't , so anyone that has had surgery fill me in, the good with the ugly.

  • kls


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