Gathering Outbursts!

by Funchback 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Funchback

    When I was a Dub, I can think of three occasions where someone protested/objected to the goings-on at a gathering. People really made themselves look look like Jackholes.

    Gathering 1): Me, my brother and my friend went to a 'Talent Show' gathering (Sounds like a great thread topic, eh?). We came up with an idea to do a Rap about Bible stories. There was nothing 'hardcore' about our words or appearance. In fact, we were quite lame. But, after my brother did his part, my friend was about to do his part. The audience was made up of over a hundred people! Suddenly, a man stands up from the audience and yells:"Turn it OFF! TURN it OFF! Rap music is deMONic!" He then ran out of the building. Needless to say, the gathering kinda just ended. Me, my brother, and my friends ended up looking like WE were guilty of something. We even ended up in the library of our hall after the next meeting.

    Gathering 2): Me and my friend (the same one from 'Gathering 1') were DJing a wedding reception. The VERY first song we put on was by a woman named Lynn Tyler who had a one-hit wonder song called, 'Girls Night Out'. The opening chorus goes like this: "It's the girls night out. N-N-Night out...". Really, the song is about women going out together without the fellas. Well, the Jackhole brother comes up to us with that smug, superior, pompous JW, I'm-about-to-counsel-you face. Come on, YOU know the face I'm talking about! Anyway, he stands over our turntable and begins circling his head in motion with the record (like, he's reading the label on the record). Then, he says to us. "Do you really think this song is appropriate? What do you think those lyrics really mean? Do they encourage wives to leave their husbands?" I never wanted to kick a man's booty more than this guys. Turns out, that was the only song we played that night. Two days later, I had food poisoning from the food that was served at that reception. The food, by the way, was made by the JWs themselves! I guess Jehovah was punishing me for playing an adulterous song .

    Gathering 3): This time, I am the Jackhole! I went to a graduation gathering (screw it...let's call it what it is: A party!). The DJ began playing some songs that bothered MY conscience (not that those songs would bother me now)! Anyway, I was sitting at a table with about 8 other folks and I made it known that I wasn't going to sit there and listen to this 'terrible' music! Everyone knew why I was leaving. Leave it to Sister Gossip to put additional words in my mouth and tell the mother of the graduate why I left. The mother called me on the phone and 'fought' with me for "making a scene" when I was leaving. Sadfully, I now know how foolish I must have looked when I put on my very own smug, superior, pompous JW, I'm-about-to-counsel-you face.

    You got any 'gathering' outbursts you want to share?

  • myauntfanny

    Well, this wasn't exactly an outburst but I still remember it (with embarrassment), god, 35 years later. We were at a picnic and I wasn't more than 9 or 10. Somebody brought sausage to barbecue and I got all wide-eyed and scared and said "There's no blood in that sausage is there?". Like a righteous little cop. And the "sister" who had brought it said in this really snippy tone "no, of course not, we're not savages, you know", thus dismissing all blood-sausage eaters as inferior beings (well, duh, I guess we knew that).

  • Funchback


    "There's no blood in that sausage is there?"

    LOL! I can only shake my head incredulously.

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