What was the key topic(s) that you used to help you get your J.W. relative/

by hubert 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hubert

    I was looking on page 22 of this forum, at Radars' post of December 15, '01, which said "What made you a J.W.?" Excellent post, Radar !! (I don't know how to link it here). And, I discovered that many or all of you, after getting out of the dubs, helped family or friends eventually get out.

    I was wondering which topics worked best for you?

    Blood issue?

    1914 generation change?

    U.N. ?


    Etc. ?

    Thanks........... Hubert

  • hubert

    Sorry, my post was too long to enter in one title.

  • z2ara

    for me it was the idea that trinity is fake, because i never believed in trinity.

    Everywhere the religions proclaim trinity, so i was searching for a religion that did not teach trinity.

    And the sister of JW's came on my door, i let her in (she was suprised, although it rained very hard and she was on her bike with a baby)

    and asked her a few questions. Also about trinity and so i was thinking that JW's had the truth.

    But the mesleading was very subtile.

    I am now away from JW's ans very sometimes i go to the meeting , just to keep in touch with the changes in teachings.

    What i see everytime is, that the personalities of the most of the JW's is not developing forward, but fast backwards. I think thats a sign on the wall.

    I still not believe in trinity, but I love the teachings of Jesus, who is a very strong example how to stay away from all the mind-controlled organisations.

    'And the truth will set you free'.

  • Bubbamar

    I don't know how to link other threads either but I think there was one similar to this one recently. I haven't gotten my mom out yet - but I read Releasing the Bonds by Steven Hassan. He's a cult counselor and an ex-moonie and his book offers a plan to help someone out of a cult. I recommend the book as a good place to start. He says the first step is just to establish a trusting relationship. He says that when the cultmember starts praying/chanting/WT quoting its because something WE have said or done made them feel threatened. So he doesn't recommend attacking doctrine right away. The 2nd part of the plan is to educate them about phobia's using as examples other cults.

    Good luck to you and yours

  • TallTexan

    Hassan's books "Releasing the Bonds" and "Combatting Cult Mind Control" are excellent. They helped me to see that, despite my doubts to the contrary, that JW's really are a cult. Excellent books.

    Another avenue that many have used is to finally convince those family members to read Ray Franz' "In Search of Christian Freedom". It really goes into the basics of how bunk the 'organizational' theory is and really can open some eyes. Also have them read CoC. But "Christian Freedom" is really an eye-opener regarding the organization.

  • hubert

    Bubbamar, I am leaning towards looking at other cult similarities, for the reason that I know I can't discuss W.T. doctrine with my daughter anymore, she just won't listen to it. We do have a good father/daughter relationship, so that's a good step forward. Thanks for the advice.

    Tall texan, I have the book "In search of Christian Freedom, but it is so thick, and I'm such a slow reader, I get discouraged to start reading it. But, you've helped me make up my mind. I read on my lunch break, and I'm going to start reading it tomorrow, and bring it with me wherever I go, so maybe it won't take me two years to read it all. LOL !! Thanks for the "push". ............... Hubert

  • avishai
    I have the book "In search of Christian Freedom, but it is so thick, and I'm such a slow reader, I get discouraged to start reading it

    you might wanna try crisis of conscience first, it's a much faster read.

    I used leading questions to help them find their own conclusions.

  • hubert

    Thanks, Avishai, I am going to pick that book up.

    Can you give me examples of some of the "leading questions"? It might help me get started, without scaring them off.

    Thanks again.... Hubert

  • trumangirl

    Hey just on this topic, I had a phone call from my JW mum. I thought she was going to express disappointment about my letter which was in reply to her letter encouraging me to go back to meetings (she thought it was just because of business). To my surprise, she said "Thank you for your letter and the nice photo". Then she started talking about normal everyday news! I was so pleased we didn't get into an argument!

    In my letter I was candid but careful not to inflame. I wrote that I recalled her relating to me once, that one of the reasons she left her old church to become a JW was because she didn't learn anythnig at church. I told her it felt the same for me leaving the JW organisation. Maybe that helped. I like to think so.

    And i appreciate the suggestions here.

  • M.J.

    Keep in mind that facing up to facts, with regard to the Witnesses, is emotionally traumatic. There is so much of an emotional investment involved. Start with love and support for the relative. Always show integrity. don't be judgemental. Get them to realize that wisdom depends on one's ability to act according to reason, not emotion. I knew a JW very closely who I could tell would NEVER break away, no matter what type of reasoning or facts would be presented, not only because of this person's emotional ties to the group, but because this person was the type that was basically ruled by her emotions and feelings.

    I recently watched "Toy Story" and the interchange between the characters "Woody" and "Buzz Light Year" amusingly reminded me of how it is talking to a witness. Woody (the toy cowboy) kept trying to tell Buzz (Space Ranger action figure) "You're not a Space Ranger. You are not on a special space mission. You're just a TOY!" Buzz's common reply was, "you ARE a strange, silly little man."
    But when finally faced with the truth that he really was a toy, Buzz's entire world turned upside down. Although it's a crude illustration, it's a good reminder that any discrediting of the validity of Space Command (or the WTS) must be handled with extreme care...

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