Out of a job...

by Tashawaa 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tashawaa

    I use to try to imagine the work I'd do in the New System. Everyone it seemed had their own idea of what paradise would be. I use to despise the idea of 3 acres (???) per person (who would make our goods - spoons, materials, nails, paint????). Anyhoo, I started to think about all the jobs that would be missing because of "paradise".... All these people would be out of work:

    Doctors, nurses, paramedics, surgeons... all those that manufacuture their goods - surgical knives, heart monitors - and in relation to that, all pharmicutical companies, Pharmacists. Extend that to producers of Asprin, Ben-Gay, etc. Anything health related.

    Obviously, funeral directors, mortuaries, cemetary caretakers, people that engrave headstones and make caskets, etc. Any field that has to do with death.

    OK, I've named two areas and then you need to think about the extending support networks that supply those fields.

    Who else is out of work????

  • Elsewhere
    Everyone it seemed had their own idea of what paradise would be

    This is precisely why "paradise" or "heaven" is impossible. If everyone was to live in paradise, everyone would need to have a unique universe created just for them in order to prevent conflicts between what each person perceived as "perfect" and "paradise".

    The only alternative to this would be for everyone to become mindless automatons, unable to think and feel without being forced to think and feel a certain way. This idea it totally contrary to freewill and what everyone says a god of love desires.

    If there are to be different people with different feelings, thoughts and opinions living together, there will always be conflict in one form or another.

    Freewill and freedom are wonderful things; however they come with the price of inevitable conflict.

  • Tashawaa

    Elsewhere, soooo true. I remember listening to a MAJOR verbal fight between two brothers (out in service) over whether we'd have technology in the "new system". It was hilarious. Finally, a sister put an end to the fight by saying that "God would satisfy every desire"...

  • Carmel

    Paradise would be the "return of the June hogs"..


  • Mary

    Obviously none of you have been paying "close attention" at the meetings, as everyone in De New System will have the job of either petting a lion or tiger, tilling the ground or smiling at others eating fruit as set forth in the WT & Asleep magazines. What more could you possibly want?

  • jgnat

    Electricity? I lay awake at night wondering who will manage the power plants.

    And the sewer system.

    Repair the roads.

    Heat the smelters. Pour the ore.

    Oh. Maybe the spoons will be carved out of balsa wood.

    Who is going to ship the balsa from the tropics? In wooden ships? Powered how?

    The smelters are gone; polluters, you know.

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