
by lurk 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • lurk

    er hope you dont mind me asking but i have got to the point now where i want to read books about the WTS.(not felt able up to now)

    theres quite a lot to choose from at amazon i was wondering if any one would mind telling me which books you would recommend. ive bought books in the past and not been disappointed so could really use some pointers to the books out i think JW's have been writing afew reviews on some books at amazon and it makes it very hard to tell whats what.

    and i dont want but a book writen by or a person from the other religious organizations.

    do you think the books are worth reading or are they the same as the info on various sites about the WTS? like free minds etc.

    do you think its worth buying the books or just as good to stick to the web sites?


  • bikerchic

    Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz is a must read! Also his other book which I'm currently reading In Search of Christian ~~~~~~~. CoC covers exactly what you said you are looking for:

    i want a realy fair and balanced book but one i one that covers the WTS history and events and mistakes etc .

    I just recently finished reading Truth or Consequences by Roy Milton and it was a very good read too. I plan on starting a thread on it soon as I totally enjoyed reading such a personal perspective.

    There are plenty of books out there and if I were you I would just start, it's very informative and helps you to see the whole picture.

    Happy reading!


  • blondie

    Apocalypse Denied by James Penton is good too for your library.

    Try used book sites such as:

  • Outaservice

    The Hour Of Darkness by Derek Barefoot is an eye opener. Visions Of Glory, if you can find one., The Gentile Times Reconsidered is good if you like a little deeper reading.


  • jwsons

    Go to this LINK


  • RR
    Apocalypse Denied by James Penton is good too for your library.

    Blondie, I believe that's "Apocalypse Delayed"


  • garybuss

    Randy Watters of Freeminds

    and Duane Magnani, Witness Inc.

    both helped me. I learned from David Reed as well.

  • lurk

    Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz
    In Search of Christian
    Truth or Consequences by Roy Milton
    Apocalypse Denied by James Penton
    The Hour Of Darkness by Derek Barefoot is an eye opener. Visions Of Glory, if you can find one., The Gentile Times Reconsidered
    Apocalypse Delayed"

    Randy Watters of Freeminds

    and Duane Magnani, Witness Inc.

    david reed

    jwsons thanks for the link ive no i dead what language that theres tons of books ta very much

    this is great thanks everyone for replying

    perhaps i can get some from the library so cut costs

    thanks very much

    im quite excited now to know what more there is to know


  • Bubbamar

    CoC - Awesome read!

    I'm reading Steven Hassan's book Releasing the Bonds

    Very good book - good information about cults and it gives pointers on how to deal with loved ones who are in a cult.

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