by Poztate 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Poztate

    I should know better than to talk to my wife over religious matters.HOWEVER there was a news program that talked about infants and the need for blood during surgery.They stated that they tried not to give blood because of all the problems with transfusions... aids etc.

    My wife turned to me and said"It's about time they figured it out because we all know MORE PERSONS are killed by blood transfusions than saved"

    OH HELL...I had to take the bait...How do you know I asked???? The society has a blood video she replied. Did they really say more died than lived from taking blood ??? Yes she replied. Where did the get their information from I asked??? It doesn't matter...they wouuld not LIE LIE LIE to me. I have not watched the video. I think she is making this up in her own mind.They may have but you could not pay me to watch their CRAP.

    Related to this my father...years ago stated to me "The medical doctors can not prove even one life has been saved by a blood transfusion"

    I wonder where he got that idea from.They have since stuck to the idea that it is a religion based belief..not medical.

    OH ..I had to tease her about Hemopure a little bit...She got all excited until I told her it was made from cow's blood.Then she said it would never happen...I will have to tease her again when the FDS approves it.


  • Lehaa

    I've watched that video and I'm sure that it did not state that moe died than were saved from taking blood.

    Will watch it again tonight and see.

    I hate this site i've done more research in the last few months being here than I ever did as a witness. LOL.

  • talesin

    lol @ Lehaa. It's the first time I've picked up a bible in over 20 years!!!!

    POZ, I will question my parents discreetly, see if I can get any info re the video or otherwise.


  • Lehaa
    It's the first time I've picked up a bible in over 20 years!!!!

    And the borg reckons apostacy is bad.

  • Poztate

    Thanks Lehaa and Tailsin,

    I sometimes am floored by the dub mindset of my wife.She never questions or thinks for herself.Anything the borg says is absolute truth according to her.I try not to talk religion with her as I know it will just end in a fight.

    And they say they are not a cult !!!!!

  • kls

    Poztate, i would love to hear just one cult admit they were a cult.

    As far as blood kills, so do cars but the jws still drive.

  • Elsewhere
    Related to this my father...years ago stated to me "The medical doctors can not prove even one life has been saved by a blood transfusion"

    That is like saying that no one can prove that Tylenol cures headaches. How do we know that the headache would not have gone away on it's own? Maybe the Tylenol did absolutely nothing and the headache just went away shortly after taking the useless pills.

    The reasoning behind this is that in a court of law a person cannot say that a dying person would have lived if they had received a blood transfusion. One can only say that in all probability the person would have lived. It is this kind of hair splitting the WTS does in court.

  • TD
    It is this kind of hair splitting the WTS does in court.

    Exactly! It's similar to when a paramedic pulls a child from a pool. There's no way to know for sure that administering CPR will save the life. This doesn't mean they don't try though.

  • Elsewhere
    Exactly! It's similar to when a paramedic pulls a child from a pool. There's no way to know for sure that administering CPR will save the life. This doesn't mean they don't try though.

    There ya go!

    What you CAN do is demonstrate that a person is more likely to survive with a blood transfusion than one without by doing a study where one group receives the transfusion and another does not.

    The group that receives the blood will have a much higher survival rate.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    There are borderline cases all the time of course - but often you just know that someone will die without it - if they've lost too much of their own, they're not going to make more in a few minutes.

    And don't forget those othe "pus-laden" medical interventions from "Satan' like "Vaccination" that "has never saved a human life" and "does not prevent smallpox."

    Where in the world would we be without the guidance of the wtbts?

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