Struth! They pleaded with Tony to stay!!!! (An early weekend poll)

by ozziepost 2 Replies latest social current

  • ozziepost

    They must be getting deparate in that little island colony of America called Britain! This is what's showing on the evening news downunder:

    British PM's future in question
    19:51 AEST Sat Jul 10 2004

    PAAIN - British Prime Minister Tony Blair faced fresh questions over his future after it emerged key Cabinet allies pleaded with him to carry on.

    The Prime Minister had been "seriously reviewing his position" early last month, the BBC reports.

    Four leading loyalists within the Cabinet apparently intervened directly asking Blair to stay.

    Health Secretary John Reid, Education Secretary Charles Clarke and Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell made the appeals in separate meetings with the PM.

    And Trade Secretary Patricia Hewitt is said to have written urging him to tough it out.

    Jowell refused to be drawn on details of the report insisting: "I don't think Tony Blair has at any time indicated he is on the brink of resigning."

    She told BBC Radio 5 Live: "The important point is Tony Blair is our Prime Minster, the most successful Prime Minister of modern times." (Good grief, the others must've been bad!!!)And he will continue to lead our government. There is a lot more work to do."

    However, the report comes ahead of another critical week for Blair which will see publication of a report into intelligence failings on Iraq.

    Lord Butler will produce his findings next Wednesday, on the eve of two Parliamentary by-elections.

    And the Chancellor Gordon Brown will deliver his three year spending plans in Monday's spending review.

    In the days before this critical period "Cabinet-level intrigue has reached new heights", the BBC reports.

    Brown apparently felt last month that the time had arrived for talks about the long-anticipated hand-over.

    Blair has told friends he has not done a deal and is determined to stay in office, according to the BBC.

    However, suggestions that he suffered serious doubts raise new questions about whether he will stay on to the general election, expected in 10 months time, and beyond.

    A Downing Street spokesman said that Blair has always insisted that he will fight the next election as Labour leader.

    ©AAP 2004

    OK, let's do a poll: When do you think Blair will go?

    You know the rest. Enjoy.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • stillajwexelder

    After he has won the next general election - sometime late 2005

  • Mutz

    He'll go, once he thinks we all love him again.

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