condemned unwilling witnesses

by candidlynuts 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • candidlynuts

    Isa. 43:10-12; 62:2; Rev. 12:17."
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    1. The witnesses of this passage cannot be the self-styled "Jehovah's Witnesses" for the following reasons:
      1. The witnesses of this passage are ransomed by the price of Egypt, Ethiopia and Seba. (vs. 3). J.W.'s claim to be ransomed by the body of Christ.
      2. The witnesses of this passage are condemned: "Yet you did not call upon me, O Jacob; but you have been weary of me, O Israel! . . . But you have burdened me with your sins, you have wearied me with your iniquities." (Isa. 43:22,24, R.S.V.). When have J.W.'s merited this description?
      3. The witnesses of this passage are condemned for not bringing sheep for sacrifice or honouring God in their sacrifices. (vs. 23). This verse cannot apply to J.W.'s since they have never offered animal sacrifices.
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    2. The witnesses of this passage are unwilling witnesses. They witness to the truth of God's prophetic Word (Isa. 41:22,23) in their persecution, scattering and regathering. (Deut. 28; Lev. 26; Jer. 32:37). But the J.W.'s claim that one who is not a willing witness is "not with the organization".2
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    3. Similarly the "new name" of Isa. 62 is "Hephzibah" (Isa. 62:4) and not "Jehovah's witnesses". It is the name of a city - Jerusalem (vs. 7), not an organization.
    4. i found this discussion at and had never put this much thought into why the name "jehovah's witness" came to be. or how inaccurate it could be to use that name. i dont k now what the website is or what its belief is but i found this article interesting.

  • TallTexan

    Interesting thoughts. Honestly, as probably the case with many witnesses, I usually fail to read the 'context' of the 'proof texts' they use to support certain points.

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