Paper cuts and beheadings...

by FMZ 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • FMZ

    Whilst I was getting ready for work a couple of days ago, the Jackass movie was on TV. I sat and watched for a while, as they did everything from run around Japan in panda suits, to shoot bottle rockets out of their buttholes whilst the rocket was tied to another guys weiner.

    And then came the paper cut scene. This is where one of the guys sits in a chair, and lets the others give him paper cuts between his toes, fingers, and even across his lips. I had seen this before, and it literally made me want to vomit. My stomach was turning before they even did anything, so I switched the channel until they were done.

    Now here is where it gets weird. I have seen the beheading videos, I would like to become a forensic pathologist one day, and so in my studies I often have to see some rather disturbing photos of bodies in various degrees of decomposition / dismemberment etc. Yet none of this has any effect on me. Not even a twitch.

    I can see a man having his head hacked off and not be disturbed, but even thinking about watching someone get a paper cut has me reeling.

    It was my wife (Serenity) that initially pointed this out to me, and at first I laughed it off, but now it really has me wondering. Why do I have this disconnection when it comes to death?

    Anyone had similar experiences / feelings?


  • Lehaa

    I'm the same, blood and gore not a problem. Love all that stuff. Want to be a vet nurse so that sort of stuff does not bother me.

    But as is was reading the paper cut thing i was feeling all creepy inside and felt woosie.

  • gumby

    I can't even watch those shows where they operate on people anymore....hammers, chizels, clamps and vices........makes me wanna hurl just talkin bout it.

    I suppose you like the CSI shows? Me too!!!!!!


  • shotgun

    Don't know FMZ...maybe you can identify with the pain of a papercut but can't with a be-heading. Been there done that kind of thing.

  • FMZ

    Lehaa: Strange, isn't it... Good luck on your vet thing though!

    Gummer: Ohhh, don't forget the bone saws! That kind of thing just doesn't seem to bother me either though... after all, it's all meat. Nothing different from the meat on your burger or the kidney in your steak and kidney pie (mmmm, British food). The only difference is that in the ops, you can see the heart beating, blood being pumped, spurting when they hit a "gusher"... lol... vomit yet?

    I have unfortunately never seen CSI, though it looks like something I'd enjoy. I do enjoy the forensics shows about old cases and the ways they were solved. I would absolutely love to meet the amazing Dr. Michael Baden. I'm sure he'd have some stories they can't even tell on TV!

    Shotgun: You may have hit the nail on the head mate... I also thought of this, and it very well could be the answer. I have suffered my share of paper cuts in my life, though strangely, I have never been beheaded. You'd think my brain would at least make the connection "Being beheaded = Papercut x 1000" though...


  • shotgun

    FMZ..guess it was a good thing you and Gumby got this out of the way or it would have bothered you as well while watching the movie.

    to shoot bottle rockets out of their buttholes whilst the rocket was tied to another guys weiner.

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