What's your favorite worldly holiday? I love Halloween! I love getting all dressed up in whatever, going to a local hangout (bar) where all my buddies are, and checking out what they dressed up as.
Favorite worldly holiday
by Nosferatu 9 Replies latest jw friends
Thanksgiving - the travelling sucks a little though
Special K
Toughy Nos..
But I really like Thanksgiving.
I really put alot of mental thought into what I have to be thankful for that either happened or didn't happen during that year.
We all take our turn around the table saying what we are each thankful for. I find it quite interesting what the kids have to say..
I just enjoy it. and find it has a lot less stress than some other holiday., at least for me.
Special K
I would have to say Christmas. I have learned the past couple of years to really "Deck the Halls"! I love to decorate the Tree, and the house, it provides such a warm, inviting feeling. Also, that time of year, people seem to have that "Spirit" about them, albeit only for a short time, then it is back to normal, but in the meantime, it feels really good.
I guess holidays are the last thing that I still have a JW mindset on. I just don't get excited about them. This Christmas was more enjoyable than others, though. So hopefully I'm getting rid of that thought process.
I'd have to say, I enjoy any holiday where I get a day off and get paid for it.
my all-time favorite (even while I was a JW) is Thanksgiving. maybe because I like to cook so much, or maybe the Macy's parade brings out the kid in me still. Christmas is great too, and like CG I never really got into it until this past year. Now I look forward to Christmas.
always liked Indendance Day the most.
Gonna have to go with Thanksgiving.
For me, it's kind of a toss-up between Christmas and Halloween. They bring out different sides of my personality. Hehe!
(Although the last Thanksgiving was definitely the best I'd had! :D)