by JW72 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW72

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering exactly what it is Jehovah is supposed to have done that is 'loving'??

    Howcome it is the 'preachers' that fear feeling bloodguilt when it is much easier for Jehovah to do what they would do??

    The only thing that Jehovah supposedly does to help, is reaveal stuff to the 'annointed ones', and let's face it, he doesn't do a good job of that, need I explain?!?!!

    If that is the only input he has, why doesn't he light lots of candles instead of making one slightly brighter??? It seems a tad unfair!!!

    Of course, I am supposing that all that JW's teach and believe is correct to make this point.

    It seems Jehovah is far more eager to make a good job of killing people than he is of helping people!! (see the OLD TESTAMENT and 'ARMAGEDDON PLANS'!!!)

    Any thoughts????..........

    Love to everyone

    P.S thanks to Prisca and other replyers to my last post, lovely comments.....


  • outnfree


    Jehovah is the Loving God because "while we were yet sinners, he sent his Son to die for us."

    Yes, He is loving because he was willing to transfer his unique Son's life to Mary's virginal womb, and let that Son grow and mature and ransom us all by dying a very horrible and shameful death.

    Can anyone imagine showing love for, say, three out of four children, by purposely sending the remaining one to a painful and ignomious death? Wouldn't the world call us loving parents, too?


    This may be why the mainstream Christian concept of a Trinity is more palatable to many. Because at least there, it is God Himself who decides to come down from heaven, take on humanity, and suffer willingly for humankind.

    But even that scenario begs the question: If God is so loving, why didn't he just use his power to

    - kill off Satan?
    - kill off Adam and Eve and start over?
    - not allow evil to exist in the first place?
    - put an end to sorrow instead of sentencing Adam and Eve and their progeny to suffering?

    to mention a very few.

    These, as yours perhaps, are rhetorical questions. I am not really interested in the believers' answers that may pop up here. I need to figure this all out on my own and come to my own conclusion. (Which I have confidence I have the wherewithal to do, so no preaching, please...)

    Nice post, JW72.


  • Francois

    Yep. You've got 'im nailed. That OT God guy? Bloodthirsty. Evil. Wicked, Mean, Bad, & Nasty. A stern judge-accountant chiefly interested in recording the mis-deeds of his erring, but ignorant, children on this planet so that he could see that he GOT 'EM later, and got 'em good. And he was into foreskins, too. Big into foreskins. I guess he figgured he could make a wallet out of 'em. And then later, if he was going on a trip, he could rub that wallet a little bit and the wallet would turn into a three-suiter in about thirty seconds.

    Not only foreskins, but the body parts of animals. Yep, and the fat parts, too. Said he found the smell of burning animal body parts (plus the fat, can't forget the fat) a "restful" oder. Now I don't know about you, but the smell of burning animal body parts is enough to back a buzzard off a puke wagon. Restful? Come on.

    And the blood. Well. THAT he wanted "spattered" on the alter. Can you just imagine what that alter looked like in, say six or eight months, much less years? And the smell? My God (pardon)!!

    Then, with all this regard for blood, he makes the females of his children expel the unused pre-placental tissues every 28 days, and then he blames THEM for it. Makes 'em unclean for that piss-poor design. Why can't humans just lay a nice, clean egg and have done with it? Christ a'mighty (pardon) FROGS can fuckin' do it, chickens, even snakes ferchrissake (pardon)!! And our females have to carry around this little human with that giant brain in that giant head and put it through that tiny little. Well. You know. That's loving?

    AND, if all this wasn't enough, he is so cold that the suffering of his children that HE designed and put here will not move him to show his infinite mercy until he sees his BLAMELESS, PERFECT son suffering and dying on the cross of calvary because without the shedding of BLUD no forgiveness takes place. And that means YOU, Jack.

    He is so bound, so limited in his nature, that the love and mercy of his nature is conflicted by the justice of his nature and so there's NO WAY OUT for God except for him to kill off his only-begottn son so he can see BLUD! Gotta have that blud, man, or no forgiveness. None. Nada. Not even foreskins is gonna do here. Gotta have that blud. Soul's in it, y'know. There is an utter lack of unity in the nature of deity, so that the love of god is limited by the justice of god. And he's HELPLESS to do anything about it. He has a built-in incompatibility with himself. Some God.

    If we don't do something about how we conceive of the nature and character of God, we're never going to get anywhere on this backward planet.

    You asked, y'know?


    My $0.02

  • Roamingfeline

    ROFLMAO, Francoise! YOu put it in a nutshell, and said it so well, my sides are aching. The post you made is a keeper!


  • hippikon

    But you are all forgetting the wonderful privilege we have of proving ourselves loyal and suffering for God. He likes that kind of thing didn¡¦t you know?

    Francoise: You crack me up [ļ]HAHAHAHA

  • kes152

    Excuse me... but you all have been MISLED, by "false Christs, false ANOINTED and false prophets" who know neither the Lord NOR his Father.

    you said:

    "Howcome it is the 'preachers' that fear feeling bloodguilt when it is much easier for Jehovah to do what they would do??

    Well that is because those "preachers" are not really of God. God well knows the heart of man and WHY they do what they do.. even if man REFUSES to admit it to himself. Servants God chooses are 'sent' because IN THEIR HEART, God sees they have true love for their neighbor or they are working very close to it. Providing them that "assignment" would be designed to "teach" them how to have God's love and not that of man's.

    The true love of God is the kind of love one would have for their brother that if they "knew something" they would tell their brother and NOT CARE if their brother gets mad or offended. The reason is because that "brother" knows that although he may be offended now... somewhere down the line he may have a change of heart and LISTEN to the words that were spoken and perserve his own life. A TRUE brother would be more concerned about his brother's well being... even if it meant him "risking their friendship" to save him.

    Such a being is God. and this is the reason why so many hated his TRUE prophets and his only begotten Son. Because they did not care about what "men" thought and how "men" treated them. All they saw was the 'love' that was in the message and if they repented, the glorious riches that awaited them. But, because many of them had become the "seed of the wicked one," they HATED their brother and sought to kill him. Just like how Abel LOVED his brother Cain, but Cain HATED Abel and slaughtered him.

    The Son's personal delight was in the sons of men. When the Devil led Adam into "knowing BAD," Adam had brought the "knowledge of bad" to himself and all his offspring. Sickness, pain, suffering, Death, etc. was spread to all men. The son knew the ONLY way they could "live forever" was by getting the "sons of men" to drink the "life" that resided in heaven. Such "life" was "living water" which becomes inside anyone who drinks it "a fountain of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life."

    The Son LOVED the "sons of men" so much that he WILLINGLY surrendered his life in their behalf. The Son was WILLING to "bear their reproach" and their sins in his own body. He willingly took the beatings and the punishments in behalf of US. He wasn't "commanded" to, he WANTED to. He wanted the Father to "grant it to him" to "bear our reproach" so we would not have to. He did all of this so that after he was resurrected, he would have the "authority" in heaven to "pour out" this everlasting life upon ANYONE wishing, anyone asking, anyone seeking.

    In this way he "bought us with a price" so that we would solely become his. Since the Father agreed to "send" him, the Father laid the commandment on the best way it should be done... since the Son willingly offered himself.

    After seeing the "assignment" he EMPTIED himself of all his glory and his position and rather than being a Son in the household, he took the form of a slave. Not just any slave, but a slave that is LOWER than the angels. Not only that, but a slave LOWER than man. For he came "not to be ministered to, but to MINISTER." And he remained obedient to his Father, even to the point of death. Why? Because no one has greater love than this, that he would surrender his soul in behalf of his friends.

    It was not his "physical blood" and "physical body" that saves us. But it was his spirit, and the AUTHORITY he would be granted as a spirit IF he chose to suffer. He saw the reward for his "suffering" was too much of a benefit to "men" that he WILLINGLY gave his life, for the purpose of being able to GIVE life to "anyone asking."

    All God wishes for you is to "see" the love he has shown and COME TO HIM, that you may partake and drink of this everlasting life, NOW. for life in the flesh and death in the flesh is nothing, for the spirit SURVIVES the flesh. But, life in the spirit and death IN THE SPIRIT is something, for that is everlasting life.... or everlasting death.

    Things of the flesh are temporary, things in the spirit are everlasting, whether it be "death" or "life."

    Peace to you all,

  • kes152

    Oh, and just so you ALL know....

    'ARMAGEDDON PLANS' was not, and is not designed for most of you on this board. The war AT har-mageddon is designed for the "kings of the earth" (NOT political kings) the wild beast, and the false prophet.

    It is designed not for the "world" but a PART of the world. And this "part" of the world is the "part" that MASSES TOGETHER as one against Jah and against his anointed one[s].

    This "part" of the world is the one that WANTS to wage war against Jah and his anointed, after seeing who they REALLY are.


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