A "revelation" of the Son of God

by kes152 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kes152

    God, who long ago on many times and in many manners spoke to his people our forefathers by the mouth of his prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by the mouth of his Son, whom he has made heir of ALL things and on account of whom he composed the ages.

    He is the effulgence of his actual glory and the exact imprint of his very SUBSTANCE and he is sustaining all things by his word of power and through himself he made a purification of our sins and has sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in lofty places.

    He has become so much greater than all the angels to the extent that he has inherited a name much more excellent than theirs.

    For to which angel has he ever said:

    "You are my son,

    This day I have begotten you?"

    And again:

    "I shall be a father to you,

    And you will be a son to me?"

    But when he again sends his firstborn into the inhabited earth, he says:

    "And let all the angels of God worship him."

    Of the angels he says:

    "He makes his angels spirits,

    and his ministering servants a flame of fire."

    But of the Son he says:

    "Your throne, O God, is for the age of the ages. And the sceptor of rectitude is the sceptor of your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God anointed you with oil of exultation more than all your partners."


    "You, in the beginning, O Lord, did form the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will destroy themselves but you will remain. And like a garment they will grow old and as a cloak you will fold them and they will be changed. But you are the same and the years of you will not run out."

    But to which one of the angels has he EVER said:

    "Sit at my right hand,

    Until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet?"

    Aren't ALL the angels servants sent forth to MINISTER to those who are about to inherit salvation? (Just as our Lord has done)

    Indeed, angels are not 'sons' for if they were ..... then to which angel has he ever said "You are my son, this day I have begotten you?" Angels are "workers" in the household, the heir is the Son, the only begotten one of God.

    Peace to you all,

  • Larsguy

    Nice article. But just some clarification.

    For one, the angels ARE indeed called "sons" of God and they are sons of God.

    When Hebrews speaks of how unique Jesus was when he said: "This is my son, today I have become your father", he was uttering the words at the time of the creation of Jesus Christ. That is, that day, Jesus became his son.

    But after that, "all things were created through him, for him and by him..." thus the CREATIVE PROCESS by which all other creatures came about was different than that of Jesus. Jesus was created through God's own spoken word. The angels were created via Jesus who is called God's "Word".

    This is totally in harmony with why Jesus is called the ONLY-BEGOTTON son of God because he is the only one directly created by God, he is the only one whom God uttered the direct words: "Today you have become my son."

    So again. The angels are sons of God. Jesus is an angel. But a unique angel who was created directly by God and thus is called his ONLY-BEGOTTON son. That is the meaning of that passage.

    Jesus is unique among all of God's sons.

    Of note, Adam is caled God's son too, but his children, since they were created through Adam are called the sons of Adam.


  • kes152


    you said:

    "For one, the angels ARE indeed called "sons" of God and they are sons of God."

    Are they?

    Then to which of the angels did he say:

    "You are my "son,"

    I, this day, have begotten you?"

    None of them. are they sons then? Nope.

    When Hebrews speaks of how unique Jesus was when he said: "This is my son, today I have become your father", he was uttering the words at the time of the creation of Jesus Christ. That is, that day, Jesus became his son.

    When the angels were created, were they not sons of God then?

    but then if they were, when did he say:

    "You are my son[s]

    I today, have begotten you?"

    He NEVER said it. Therefore, they are NOT "sons." You have been MISLED

    you said:

    Jesus is called the ONLY-BEGOTTON son of God because he is the only one directly created by God,

    *sigh,* once again you DON'T read. Tell me, what does "begotten" mean? Or "only begotten" mean?

    Begotten - to procreate or generate offspring. a "generated" one.

    Even though the angels were created by God, along with all things, none of them had been "begotten" by holy spirit. None of them had been "filled" so as to be an actual "son" to the Father, except one. for if they HAD been "begotten" by holy spirit in addition to their being created, then they would "fully know God." But do they?

    Matthew 11:27

    Says they do not. That is why Jesus is said to be really, the only one "born from God." And we who love the one who has been "born from God" are ADOPTED by that spirit (if he chooses to) and are begotten by holy spirit by means of the Christ.

    Christ is the firstborn, and at the time he uttered John 3:16, no one had been "generated" by holy spirit except him. After his resurrection, he went forth choosing and begetting "sons" for his Father. Anyone who would choose "good" over "evil."

    The Christ did not adopt the angels, but he adopts Abraham's seed.


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