Drawing close to God in Prayer...

by Confucious 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Confucious


    Since leaving the WT, I been trying my best to draw close to God.

    I found my prayers really were lacking.

    Basically, much of my prayers were very structured.

    Today, though, I started off my prayer by saying this...

    "Today was a good day."

    Kind of makes communication a little more natural, huh???

  • JamesThomas

    Is it true we need to "draw closer" to God?
    Is there really a distance-between or an actual separation?

    Is God absent? Or is it we can not see what is here, now, already?

    There is another form of prayer. A wordless silent presence looking deeply within the raw beingness of this moment. Looking. Listening. For what was missed before.


  • peacefulpete

    There is value in daily reevaluation of the direction we are heading in life as well as our taking stock in the good things that have come our way. In fact it's therapeutic. Habits like praying to a deity, any deity, have filled that human need for millenia. Now because of a growing scientific outlook many have discarded the traditions of the past. Unfortuantely they often find a void is created because of not appreciating just why prayer seemed to have therapeutic value. We know an avowed atheist couple who have scheduled 10 minutes every morning to recount the good things in their life and express their appreciation for each other, they are among the better balanced people I know.

  • HappyDad


    I appreciate your post. Drawing close to God has never been an option for me........even before I became a JW.

    And since I left the WT after 30+ years, God is still in my life.............more than ever before. It takes time to put all that we have had ingrained in us out of our lives and to get to know real truth unemcumbered by man made rules.

    I hope......... and will pray for you to find the peace and comfort that our Lord can give in these troublesome times.

    Please.........never cease to pray....even though you may not at this time know who you are praying to..........Ask and you will receive. I know that's what happened to me.......I asked ........and the blessings that I experience today are more than I ever thought I'd have in a lifetim.............God is good......He is great............

    Read the Bible for it's own merit.......you will have a new and complete understanding of who God and Jesus are and what you DON'T have to do to have their love and approval.

    I use to make fun of born again christians for decades...thought they were demon possessed, goofy, idiots, not knowing anythind...............wow was I wrong.... I kind of feel like Paul being struck by lightening..........today I understand what it is about..........I AM a born again Christian and proud of it. And best of all...............I don't have to prove anything to the Father or the Son. They already know who I am............I am happy because God loves me...yes .............old imperfect me......and I don't have to prove myself to them.........just believe. And since I believe........my witness is my life and what I say in plain everyday conversation...........

    I wish you well and hope you find the true understanding.

    HappyDad (Bill)

  • Confucious

    Happy Dad,


    It's hard, because I had to RELEARN everything.

    Just think about it.

    I feel the prayers that I made when I was in the WT were very "corporate prayers."

    Not to say that there weren't times I really said good prayers.

    But most of the times it was really structured.

  • Dolllie

    Try praying in the morning, rather than the evening. It seems to make it easier!

    Use the "structure" of the Lord's prayer(Bible example), then talk to God after that, telling him your thoughts and what you are feeling (have a conversation with him), give him a few minutes of silence, then end.

    I becomes easier as time goes on.

  • Markfromcali

    Yes, natural communication - how about that?

    Consider for yourself if you really need to relearn anything and buy into any kind of formula if it is indeed a natural thing, or is it a matter of unlearning. You know its funny, although I don't have this view of God as a personal entity, I find it strange that people say you need to pray a certain way when it is supposed to be something personal. Do you have a certain structure for talking to your close loved ones?

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