Food Vendors-US contrast to other countries

by CaptainSchmideo 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I need to confirm this...

    Just had email conversation with a friend who is going to the Manchester convention this weekend.

    Made a joke about not buying sticky buns from the street vendors, being a mortal sin and all.

    She replied, "What's wrong with buying from the vendors? We have been encouraged to buy from on-site concessions." Then she had to leave before I could this clarified.

    Is this true? Are we dealing with two sets of scales here? (What am I saying? This never happened with the WTBS before....).

    Anybody in Britain wish to confirm this?

  • Gadget

    That was definitely the case at the Manchester assemblie the year before last, although they weren't actually concession stands in the arena, they were on the rail station concourse that the arena joins onto. I didn't go to that one last year. My local assembly in Newcastle has always had the concession stands open as long as they are closed when the sessions are on.

  • allpoweredup

    Yes, some things do differ from nation to nation.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Another case of the dreaded double standard!!!!


    Edited to add: Or maybe a bunch of Euro JWs have taken over the GB and want to stick it to the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-vil American R&F.

  • DaCheech

    We had to listen last night on the "special needs" a letter from society telleing us the simplification process from 1994 to today.

    aka - first sold food

    aka - second free food (donation)

    aka - then problem with "friends" bringing big ice boxes

    aka - then problem with "friends" bringing medium ice boxes

    aka - then problem "friends" going out to lunch & coming in late!

    now! what problem? the "friends" want to know ?why can't we have vendors in out assemblies? the WT answers: the food prepared would distract the speaker & the audience! what a problem indeed!

    How long would it take before lunch before the food was being smelt & delt? it is a big money matter!!!

  • Soledad

    why don't they just fast for 3 days already!! I guarantee it will be a much needed extra-special spiritual experience to starve!!

  • DaCheech

    other religions fast, I guess we can't be doing what they do! ha ah!

    Only stuff we start is OK/blessed/scriptural!

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