Dont Blame My Dad !!

by Paradise Found 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paradise Found
    Paradise Found

    Follwing up on my post " 2 sincere people" on Bible and Research section.

    This conversation was from the same shopping mall. I met the POs son( The P O has 3 sons one Disadvantaged one Disfellowshipped and a MInisterial Servent.I met the M:S.

    Anyway Iam not a writter and my enthusiasum for posting Is my wife is expectting our first child (So sleeping a lot) and the T:V is kaput.

    I cant articulate the conversation we had .Only amasement that he new nothing of the UN issue or other stuff but it was all very amicable and I really admire this man.

    Anyway as we concluded the conversation I said "Take your Dad back 20 years what did he belive?"

    "He IS Happy" was the reply. And I stupidily said and " wish we could have this conversation with your brother and dad..Why was your brother disfellowshipped...........Now the coversation took the negative. He said "You have he cross around your neck you ask him"

    I do wear a cross it was given to me by my Aunt & Nan when I was 21.They are dead now. When I was a witness I didnt wear it. But now I wear it.

    Anyway I said "Hey Sorry take the society not your dad back 20 years what was the teaching?" REPLY "DONT BLAME MY DAD"

    Now I have not been disfellowshipped.The eders are cowards( see my previouse posts as to why)But I now have added wearing a cross to there knowledge of my smoking + all my apostacy !!

    So what is the point of the post? He said "Dont blame my dad" and I respect this hope I have a son like him.Even if he knows its all bull .

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