A Special Thank-you...

by SwampThing 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • SwampThing

    Dear Forum Members,

    I?ve read and re-read the responses you all gave to me regarding my JW friend, or past friend as it were. I?ve followed the links provided by some and have truly gained more knowledge about the way the JW?s treat their followers. Your responses have led me to even more research on my own which has helped me see a much larger picture than what I had previously understood.

    I want to offer a special thanks to many of you who opened your hearts to me, a perfect stranger, and shared your fears, your hurt, your depression, and the misery you have been living through due to your association with the JW?s. I have known several woman in my life who have remained with abusive partners, even though they hate the situation they live in. I have never been able to understand why they did not just leave, and maybe I never will. Reading some of the responses to my original post, I can clearly see the same coping mechanism at play with regard to why some of you did not just walk away from the JW church.

    Thank you all for sharing your personal stories with me. I won?t pretend to understand what it must be like to be faced with losing everything you?ve ever known, your friends, your family, if you chose to walk away from the JW?s. However, I do at least see your point of view. I wish you all the best in your recoveries, and I will continue to stick around and read your forum. The members here seem to be a really great bunch of people, and I can see that I will continue to learn if I just sit back and keep reading.

    Kind regards,

    Swamp Thing

    P.S. Please help me with the following: Trooth (tm)

  • ozziepost

    It's stories such as yours that really make us feel so warm inside, Swampy!

    We're glad to hear you're 'on the up' - keep us posted, eh?

    BTW it's called "the Troof" !!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • ohiocowboy

    We hope to help in any way we can! We are all in this together. You will find lots of encouragement here!

  • jgnat

    Troof TM is an inside joke, as you must have already figured. First of all XJW's misspell Watchtower trigger words to reduce their power. Many XJW's stayed in the organization way past their due, because, it was "The Truth". While in, they fought natural affection and shunned children, family, and friends, because it was "The Truth". Now, on the outside, former friends ask them why the left "The Truth", and assume they will come back to it one day. This is after the XJW has discovered the truth about the Troof TM . Similarly, Jehovah has become Jehoober TM , to distinguish the JW god from the real thing.

    Trademarking? I think Farkel started it, and Scully keeps it going. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society copyrighted their translation bible. Since then, Farkel and Scully trademark all these favored trigger words.

    Here is my thread for newbies, and welcome:


  • kls

    You are so kind and hope you can see why your friend has the mind he has.

    I promished you my story of SwampThing here goes, About 5yrs ago a pounding at my door, it's about 3 am and i had to be up for work at 5am. I go to the door and there is a women standing on my porch soaking wet and covered in sea weed and muck. She was so drunk she could hardly stand or speak, after about ten minutes of trying to understand her she said she crashed her car into the creek down the road. I called the police and she was arrested, i went to the sight of the accident and yes her car was submerged in the creek and looked as mucky as it's owner. She was then named as ( SwampThing )

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