Has anyone ever looked at this before? Live Journal Challenge

by Freedom Fighter 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    FF lays down the gauntlet -

    I defy anyone on this board to access Livejournal.com and read the posts in the Witness Teens community without gagging.

    Such a waste of young lives - anonymous posting is not allowed - you have to give your congregation number and answer some borganisation based questions before posting access is allowed. This is of course to prevent renegades such as ourselves from stumbling these pure innocents.

    Some of the posts are quite interesting - the old world versus the borg problem is always simmering away as you would expect.

    Go on, you know you want to.... have a look

  • jwbot

    I have a fake lj and I am a member of witness_teens and it was easy to become a member. It is VERY sad. You also might be thinking of jw_community where I tried to be a member but you need the congregation number and its bull. The guy that runs that is so egotistical, probably a wannabe elder. He even got people to post mean nasty things in my own livejournal.

    I run jw_discussion community and he basically said in his community that if anyone joins mine, he will (disfellowship) kick them out of the community.

  • Flash

    I wasn't sure about reaching the pages your refering to, but I do think it's funny that a goat is it's mascot!

    Frank, the LiveJournal mascot goat.


    I run jw_discussion community and he basically said in his community that if anyone joins mine, he will (disfellowship) kick them out of the community.
    This guy has really drank the Kool Aid deep!
  • Gordy

    I have just gone into the Livejournal site. I couldn't believe it! All these people saying how "awesome" the meetings was and how sad they were because they didn't answer up. How absolutely wonderful the TMS meeting was and how much they learnt about Jehovah.

    One girl wrote how wonderful the "Draw Close to Jehovah" book was and that itwas just like he was speaking to her.

    Want got me was the phrasing of the postings was just like reading a Watchtower magazine. I got the feeling that half the things just didn't ring true.

    In the end I had to leave it was staring to make me mad and feel sick.

  • jwbot

    In the community I have (http://www.livejournal.com/communities/jw_discussion) someone came in, we get both witness and ex witnesses in there. Anyway he was asking the questions HE likes to ask HIMSELF like "what hope is there for the future?"

    They just completely regurgitate what they here...and they think they are thinking for themselves! This was in a post urging people to not be robots!

    Other communities for interest: http://www.livejournal.com/communities/witness_teens


    I had a jwbot journal but deleted it and just use my laceyjess journal. I deleted it because (I WAS going to "reinstate" it but the time limit passed) I was constantly getting hateful messages from current JW's in the journal! What love!

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter
    have just gone into the Livejournal site. I couldn't believe it! All these people saying how "awesome" the meetings was and how sad they were because they didn't answer up. How absolutely wonderful the TMS meeting was and how much they learnt about Jehovah.

    When I first stumbled across this I felt a mixture of deep sadness and anger. It also took me back to when I was a young JW. Myself and the others around my age group all spouted what we thought was the acceptable party line, but were too afraid to admit this was far removed from what we really felt. This sounds harsh but the majority of young people in my KH were all playing out this charade, no-one wanted to admit that the ' world ' was far more attractive than the restrictive confines of the borg. In fact there were several major 'slip ups' by teens in my time at the KH.

    I always felt sorry for those kids whose families were all JWs - it was virtually impossible for them to break away. It was much easier for me as only my mum attended the KH. Lots of the kids in my KH went off the rails simply because they were not allowed to behave normally!. It's the charade of having to appear spiritually unreproachable that sends these kids over the edge.

    I hope these kids wake up to the borg before they waste any more of their precious life!

  • jwbot

    For some reason I get an error when I try to fix the URLS in my last post...so I will repost it with fixed errors:

    In the community I have (http://www.livejournal.com/community/jw_discussion) someone came in, we get both witness and ex witnesses in there. Anyway he was asking the questions HE likes to ask HIMSELF like "what hope is there for the future?"

    They just completely regurgitate what they here...and they think they are thinking for themselves! This was in a post urging people to not be robots!

    Other communities for interest: http://www.livejournal.com/community/witness_teens


    I had a jwbot journal but deleted it and just use my laceyjess journal. I deleted it because (I WAS going to "reinstate" it but the time limit passed) I was constantly getting hateful messages from current JW's in the journal! What love!

    Edited to fix the url's. NOW CHECK THEM OUT!

  • Flash
    Andrea Coelho ( [info]maidden )

    I think there may be some hope for this one.

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