Interesting article on Anglo-Israelism, Gentile Times, Great Pyramid origin

by Dogpatch 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    The following link is a pretty good read on Anglo-Israelism, Gentile Times, George Storrs and the Great Pyramid doctrines that Russell taught early on in the Watchtower's history. It would be good for a JW to read this as part of demonstrating how the Watchtower borrowed many of its key doctrines from others who had come along earlier, disproving that they were unique:

    It is not written by an apostate or anyone associated with the JWs, but actually by someone in the newly "orthodox" Worldwide Church of God. It mentions Jehovah's Witnesses several times. Get a JW to read it!


    Net Soup!

  • boy@crossroads

    Awesome article I thoroughly enjoyed that!! I've heard some of those names before like George Storrs but i've never before realized how the adventists, church of God, and the jehovahs witnesses were linked. I went to the adventists church a couple of weeks ago and they were similiar to the witnesses. Maybe I'll take a little run to the church of god next!!

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