My poor sis

by betty boop 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • betty boop
  • exjdub


    Nothing showed up...

  • betty boop
    betty boop

    Sorry about the blank topic

    Anyway my sister just told me shes getting disfellowshipped..Her story or our story rather is quite a crazy one:

    My parents were married in the 70's. My mother (young,virginal immigrant girl from Dominican Republic) met my young horny father. They were married. My mother was in love my father wasnt. I was born, 2 years later he had an affair. He got my mom preggers (my brother) and 2 weeks later got his girlfriend pregnant (my half-sister) i grew up not knowing her or my father much cuz my mother didnt trust him to take us being he had left her pregnant and all He was DF"D for 10 years came back to the borg and his wife and my sister as well. So fast forward to 2003 i DA'd and my sister and i happened to be getting better acquainted. She still lived with my dad, who for some reason decided to be real strict with her about JW issues, so she was still going to meetings and all that but her heart wasnt in it. In college she met a very nice boy who she fell in love with and i liked him alot. My dad and her mom found out she was dating a wordly boy and told her if she didnt stop dating him shed have to leave she said shed rather leave but to give her some time to set up an apt. and all that they agreed but had a change of heart and asked her leave immediately. She was out of their home for like 3 months,without a job staying with some friends. They told her to come back and try to work things out she was so desperate she went back. they mer her BF and they thougth about accepting him, but later declined cuz they couldnt stand her dating a wordly guy. But she was already back home w/out any means to move out again so they told her if she didnt wanna get kicked out again she'd have to stop dating him and talk to the elders. So she found out yesterday her "punishment" I told her to stay with me but she said she needed to be responsible for herself. Shes gonna live in puerto rico for the summer and come back to NY when she clears her head of everything. Her boyfriend is upset cuz he really wanted to be with her. Shes still planning on it but theres alot of things she needs to resolve b4 continuing a normal relationship with him.Hes such a good boy i feel so bad for both of them. My father and her mom arent bad people they just think theyre doing the right thing..The WT really know how to [edit] up peoples life (pardon my French)

  • Undaunted Danny
  • betty boop
    betty boop



  • frenchbabyface

    At least somehow your sister don't seems to be affraid of the JW's (which is good) for now already

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