What gossip was there in your congregation/cartoon in Guardian

by badboy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    I understand that there is supposedly a lot of gossip in congregation.

    What kind of gossip is this?

    A cartoon in which a jw says `I hope I am not interrupting something important' to someone watching the England Match appeared in the Guardian.

  • dorothy

    In my congregation the women are always talking about each other. I remember being in service one day and the woman I was with started making fun of another woman from our cong. because she's not very bright, also saying she only married her husband so she could get in the country.

    Also, sitting in the KH before a meeting and the girl I was talking with pointed to another girl and said "Oh my God, you can see her panty line. She should be wearing a thong. I bought her one, why isn't she wearing it?" (Go to hell, who cares?)

    Gossiping about disfellowshipping, etc., etc.

  • cuddlepie

    they gossip about anything and everything. they love people with problems its there only source of excitement. If you brought a car they think is beyond your means theyll gossip, if you get pregnant, move house, miss a meeting its endless.

    They like to think any girl that talked to a boy was a slut..err me. Not my fault there was only 3 girls in the gong and 20 boys.Ooh they love ..did youy see the length of her skirt?????

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    The list grows on.....

    A brother who was baptized in prison upon his release came to our hall for a while until a sister accused him of getting baptized so he could find himself a virgin. He was disgusted and hurt by that comment and never came back.

    Then there is our annointed sister. Others say she is mentall unstable. Poor sister....if she only knew what some of her sisters were saying.

    One that made me sick was when a pioneet sister was gossiping about another sister's meeting attendence or lack thereof. I got brave and defended her. I said, didnt her 2 year old baby die. Pioneer sister snapped back at me. "That was three years ago". Welllll Excussssse me! I didnt know there was a time limit on grief.

    Mostly pioneer sisters walk around high and mighty with a measuring stick and note where everyone stands on her spirit-o-meter. They gather information about what meetings you attend, who you talk to, what they saw you doing in your spare time, how short your skirt was or if you had any cleavage showing. I ran into a sister at Walmart once and I caught her doing a mental inventory on the contents in my cart....I guess my rated R movie caught her eye. I felt like asking her if she was talking to me or my cart.

    There is more...but it gets me going so I better stop.

  • rocky220
  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Too true. Gossip was always rife in our congregation. It was mainly tales of supposed wrong doing - tales which always grew arms and legs whenever they were passed on.

    The sisters were particularly bad, as some poor unfortunate was usually getting it in the neck for reasons such as:

    Horrendous outfit, badly behaved children/husband, lack of husband etc., all the usual crap. It certainly opened my eyes to all the hypocrisy.

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