Fun cat toys!

by Nosferatu 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    My ex picked this up a few years ago. She knew I wasn't fond of Bill Gates, and I got a royal kick out of this cat toy! I still have it, and the cats still attack it. Unfortunately, they don't make it anymore.

  • simplesally

    Now why didn't anyone respond to this one, Nos........this doesn't qualify as 'the worst of' ....... poor Nos.

  • Odrade

    LMAO! I had a cat one time who carried around a little stuffed Oscar the Grouch. it was about 6" long and he carried it by the back of it's grouchy little green head. It wasn't even catnippy, but he loved that baby.

    Once I tried to substitute a Cookie Monster, but he wasn't havin' none 'o dat!


  • Nosferatu

    hey, they've got Arnold now!!!!

  • Elsewhere

    You know those plastic tab things that you twist off gallon milk jugs? My two cats absolutely LOVE playing with them.

    When I buy some milk I will twist the plastic thing off and toss it on the floor... the instant they see it leave my hand the cats will scramble to grab it and start tossing it around!

    Something else my cats love to play with are Q-Tips. I have no idea why they love Q-Tips so much... but they will go through all sorts of trouble to dig them out of my bathroom garbage can. I gave up a long time ago trying to keep the Q-tips away from them... now when I find them laying around I just toss them back in the garbage.

    What's really funny is that when I'm laying in bed they will hop on the bed and drop a Q-tip next to me... then stare at me until I toss the Q-tip across the room. Then the cat will dash off the bed chasing the Q-tip and then bring it back... wanting me to toss it across the room again!

  • PurpleV

    I've had two cats that loved string beans. Whenever I would sit and clean them they'd sit there and stare at me until I threw them one. Then they'd worry it and play with it until it was a pulpy mess.

  • Nosferatu
    You know those plastic tab things that you twist off gallon milk jugs? My two cats absolutely LOVE playing with them.

    Mine too!

    I think the worst was when I was living with my ex. On more than one occasion, after we finished having sex, we'd come out of the bedroom to find one of the cats ripping the stuffing out of a brand new maxi pad.

  • Billygoat
    You know those plastic tab things that you twist off gallon milk jugs? My two cats absolutely LOVE playing with them.

    Ours too! When we moved out of our first apartment, I found about 10 of those under our sleeper sofa. LOL!

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