144,000 in two Thousand Years?

by Perry 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Perry

    I remember reading somewhere that the NT shows that there wre over 200,000 Christians baptized. If true, this certainly puts the lie to the "remnant doctrine".

    Does anyone know of any resarch into how many Christians there actually were by the end of the first century? Or, for the last two thousand years for that matter?

  • shotgun

    Perry...did a little birdie tell you this?

    Perhaps that lier on your shoulder, don't believe a damn thing that bird says about me..it was consensual I tell you!

    It a while since I read it but You can download the writings of Josephus and they're quite interesting. I believe from what I've read there was practically as many or possibly even more Christians living outside of Jeruselam in 70 ce than were in, well more than 144,000 for sure.

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