To My 'Cyberhubby'

by AGuest 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Hello, dear one... and may you have peace!

    You are right, I did say you could call me anything... as long as you did it with love. And I should'a KNOWN you would take me up on it. But I KNOW... you have 'nuthin' but love' for me.

    May I suggest, however, that you cease and desist with this particular form of 'pet' names? You see, some might question your 'love' in this manner and 'see' your name-calling in a different light: he's mocking her and she don't even know it. And although far be it from ME... to question your motive and intent (I think I know you well enough by now)... I cannot let you publicly refer to me in such ways... as it IS offensive.

    It is not a truly 'loving' thing to do, no matter how much WE understand one another... and understand what such words mean in YOUR 'language'.

    So... CUT IT OUT! Or I will be FORCED get... 'Aunt Jemima' on your hiney. And truly, you don't want that, dear one.

    Your 'wife' and friend,


  • DannyBear


    Your 'cyberhubby' lives in a country that has far fewer hangups than we yanks. You oughta known that silly.

    No need to make a big post out of it.

    (ok ok I know I shouldna said anything class)

  • Farkel

    Who is this guy? I'll mess him up.


  • DannyBear

    Shelby being the lady she is, will not divulge any names or places.

    Then again you never can tell.


  • AGuest

    Dearest Nosi... uh, DBear... and Farkelberry... may you BOTH have peace!

    DBear, I know it. Didn't think I might be waving a 'white' flag (no pun intended), cause I take no offense... because none was intended. But I know my 'people' and there are some here who MIGHT have been offended. You can understand that, yes? And may have felt the need to 'champion' on my behalf...

    Like my DEAR one... Daddy-O! My 'white' knight-in-shining-armour! (Pun intended) I love you, TOO! Not to worry, 'hon. It's only the 'Rev, being mischievous and trying to stir up a little 'sumpin-sumpin' on the Board (yes, you were TOO, 'Rev...)

    To all other dear ones, if you did... DON'T take offense. Certain words mean different things in different parts of the world. The 'Rev and I have been through this before and our 'marriage' has survived. (Hey! where's my 'cut coon', 'Rev?)

    Peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ... and 'cyberwife' of a prankster and all-around great guy...


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