I have been accepted by my religious neighbor

by codeblue 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • codeblue

    Well...Codeblue must be wearing her heart on her sleeve.

    Maybe it is because she has a heart and can't believe that one of her fleshly sisters has been so hateful to her (as on my last thread).

    I shared the conversation with one of my neighbors. Tear were welling up in her eyes as I shared it.

    I stopped her and said: I see tears in your eyes:

    She said: I just hate it when people are treated like that. You are a "gem" of a person, everybody in this neighborhood loves you....your sister must be jealous of you...

    WOW...I am glad to get confirmation I am a good person...cause my fleshly sister sure didn't make me feel that way....

    She then asked me if that is the par for JW's. (the treatment I received)

    I said: well, before you get baptized you are shown huge love...then after IF you don't go to all the meetings and door to door (she knows what that means)...you can become marked and not get any socialization or acceptance.

    What a contrast between my JW sister and my neighbor!!!

  • Uzzah

    Contrary to what the Society would have us believe the world is full of decent and good people.

    I have gotten very involved with the Red Cross since leaving the Org. I am regularly amazed at the calibre of people I meet as a result. These are just normal people who want to help others. While I was a JW I was led to believe that such people didn't exist. yet according to the JW's these people who volunteer their time and resources are going to die at Armageddon.

    Some of these vlunteers are simply amazing. Single parents or others that are caring for aged parents working full time but yet make themselves available to help others.

    JW's would lead you to believe they have the market on good people. My experience has proven otherwise.

    Good people are everywhere, including you!


  • codeblue

    yes...good people are everywhere!!!

    I had no car the last month before we relocated. My JW friend only made sure I got to her anniversary party. (How selfish is that?)

    My so called "worldly nieghbors"...took a great interest in me. Also I worked part time, thanks to "worldly" co-workers that lived closeby to give me a lift....

    That month taught me a lot as to who really is a true "neighbor" and "friend".


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