
by The Angry Atheist 7 Replies latest social relationships

  • The Angry Atheist
    The Angry Atheist

    im getting some new tat's. they are giong to be nautical stars. each color, each direction. im moving out of this forsaken town and off to portland. there i will get 42 foot sali boat and sail away to tahiti or samatra.

    -the down low of what happened.

    i know this guy who's gay. he's a neat dude. well, as it goes one of the guys on his block moved out. and as it goes and new dude moved in. but as it is not suposed ta go. the new dude is an active member of the kkk. yeah, you read right. holy crap. i can not take this society andy more. when i tell people about the situation the talk as if the new guy has the right to be a hate breeding asshole and walk around in his fugging red suspenders and throw eggs at my freinds house and make threats and all else. i know he has the right to belifve in what ever he wants. i know he has the right to wear what ever he wants. i know he has the right to yell what ever he wants , but for humanitys sake he is a terrorist! he runs around harrassing my freind just to harrass him. he trys to scare him just cause he's gay. he says he'll kick his ass if he gets a chance and it makes me want to freak out. my freind told me not to worry because when he came out of the closet he grabed him self a bat.

    i just hope that his bat has a nail in it too. the kkk is a bunch of terrorist and there not ashamed to admit it. lets send them to the prisons. let them rot in the cells. let them feel the hate they breed. you know what else? -they do it in the name of god. - im so angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    any thoughts? any advice for my freind?

    -----the ANGRY atheist.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I say avoid the KKK guy as much as possible, understandably he pisses you off, but it's a pointless fight in my opinion. And if this guy is harrassing your friend he should call the police. I'm not sure what part the country you're in, but Hate Crimes are increasing in their punishments.

  • The Angry Atheist
    The Angry Atheist

    my towns industry is paper. its work force is logging and milling.


    police=rednecks in control.


  • frenchbabyface
  • talesin

    {{{{{Atheist and friend}}}}}

    Oooooooooo, this is so ... arrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh!

    Unfortunately, in this situation, what options does your friend have? They will not stop. I would leave town if it were me and start anew in a place where he will be SAFE and FREE. Is it right? NO Is it fair? NO But it's better to be alive than to be 'dead right'.

    When I hear things like this, I am ashamed to be 'white'.


  • frenchbabyface

    Talisen : I would leave town if it were me and start anew in a place where he will be SAFE and FREE. Is it right? NO Is it fair? NO But it's better to be alive than to be 'dead right'.

    Sounds wise ... anyway

  • ApagaLaLuz
    When I hear things like this, I am ashamed to be 'white'.

    It's not the color of his skin that is the problem, it's his sexual preference. KKK isnt about being 'white' it's about being stupid and ignorant and intolerant. Which by the way, any color can be towards homosexuality. You're friend shouldnt have to move, it's right to live where ever he damn well chooses. Unfortunately the reality of our country is that there are some "red neck" cities and counties where the "good ol' boys" still run as authority. Be careful with people like this

  • talesin

    Thanks, Chevys

    Sometimes I need to be reminded of that, when I am contemplating all the horrendous things my race has done. It's only really a few ... *sigh*


    Yeah, it sickened me to have to say that. But I just can't bear to think of this young man being further brutalized and/or murdered.


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