Double standard in " Society"?

by got my forty homey? 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Today while at work at reminsing about the old days as a Joe Wit I recalled what a horrible life sisters had in the truth. If conducting a study in they must wear head scarfs, they were not allowed to give talks alone, they had a very strict dressing standard, makeup, dresses, jewerly, they couldnt even apply for Bethel (at least when I was younger there were hardly any single sisters in Bethel).

    Conjurs up images of a friendlier burgaless society with polyster suits.

  • Corvin

    What a sister looks like shortly after baptism and immediately following her theocratic wedding ceremony in the Kingdom Hall . . .


  • blondie

    Actually, homey, all the things you mention are superficial compared to being treated like a child, not capable of making a decision, or being considered mentally inferior compared to men. Also irritating is the concept that women were created to clean house, wash clothes, and cook. If you look at the Eden account, Adam and Eve lived outside, wore no clothes, and ate raw fruit and vegetables.


  • gespro
    If you look at the Eden account, Adam and Eve lived outside, wore no clothes, and ate raw fruit and vegetables.

    Well, heh,heh, we know what happened there, don't


  • frenchbabyface

    Nice reminder GMFH

    LoL Corvin

    And Yeah Blondie !

  • Golf

    Blondie, don't forget about 'making' the babies. Lucky for Adam & Eve not having 'false' teeth eating them raw vege's.

    Guest 77

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    What really amazes me is these sister probably wouldn't give "worldy" guys a chance, even though "worldly" gents would more often than not allow them to have more freedom.

    Also, I know this one sister, who is about 15. She is extremely bright, and expressed her desires to live single. Unfortunately, older sisters have been subtely or not so subtely, depending on how you look at it, hinting that she will eventually have to marry. I wish I could talk to this girl again. For some strange reason, I have this feeling she is going to throw her life away, and she has so much potential.

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