latest WT thoughts for the day

by truman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • truman

    The August 1 WT arrived in my mailbox today. I eagerly ripped off the wrapper in anticipation of fresh spiritual gems. I was not disappointed. Good thing I was not eating at the time. I offer these excerpts for your consideration. (Along with some of my thoughts as I read)

    Cover article: Your Right to Believe

    "You probably cherish your right to believe whatever you wish to believe. So does almost everyone else. By exercising this right earth's 6 billion inhabitants have produced an amazing diversity of beliefs. Like variations in color, shape, texture, taste, smell, and sound that we find in creation, differing beliefs often add interest, excitement, and enjoyment to life. Such variey can, indeed, be the spice of life." (Sounds good so far doesn't it?)

    Then a very inflamatory story from early 20th century about one-world government conspiracies by Jews and Freemasons, is offered as evidence that some beliefs are dangerous.

    "Of course, it does not take deliberate lies to develop mistaken beliefs. At times we just misread things. (WE TOLD YOU it was a matter for your own conscience) How many people have met untimely deaths doing something they believed was right? (How many of them were JWs?) Then again, often we believe a thing simply because we want to believe it. One professor says that even scientists (those scoundrels)'often fall in love with their own constructions'. Their beliefs becloud their critical judgement. (At least they have some critical judgement) Then they may spend a lifetime in vain trying to shore up mistaken beliefs. (I wouldn't know anybody like that---would you?)
    Similar things have happened with religious beliefs.......... Is it not the course of wisdom then, to make sure that what you believe actually is true and not simply what you want to believe?"

    Follow-up article: Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

    "To believe has been defined as 'to accept as true, genuine, or real.' The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Righta enshrines every person's right 'freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.' This right includes the freedom 'to change his religion or belief' if he wants to do so ." (Again, so magnanimous, so enlightened!)

    Following that is an entire 3 pages of examples of people who believed wrong things to their detriment or humiliation. A comment on the influence of the media's belief shaping power is as follows:
    "However there are powerful forces that can and frequently do manipulate the media. What is often presented is biased information that can insidously affect your thinking."
    (Who should know better? Or maybe they are trying to vaccinate readers for the media shock waves likely to be produced by the revelation of the silentlambs story on tv)

    The article closes with these thoughts:

    "The Bible encourages us to check our beliefs against what it teaches. Millions of readers of this magazine can testify that doing so has added purpose and stability to their lives (and if they don't,---they are OUTTA HERE). ....Carefully examine the scriptures daily before you decide what to believe. Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to help you do this. Of course it is YOUR decision as to what you want to believe. (how generous!) However, it is the course of wisdom to make sure your beliefs are shaped, not by human wisdom and desires, but, rather by God's (my emphasis) REVEALED (in the WT) Word of truth.

    1st Study article: Can you Distinguish Between Right and Wrong?
    Paragraph 18 particularly caught my eye.

    "Bear in mind that it is 'through use' that we can have our perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. (And through mind control we can lose that ability)
    In other words, every time we are faced with a decision, we should learn to use our mental powers to discern what Bible principles are involved and how they can be applied. Develop the habit of doing research in Bible publications ( notice the subtle switch form the Bible to the WT lit) provided through 'the faithful and discreet slave'. We can of course, seek the help of mature Christians......"

    2nd study article: Make Your Advancement Manifest
    Paragraphs 8 and 9 were especially pernicious.

    8. (regarding oneness of the faith from previous paragraph) " First, since 'oneness' is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge is concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. (What happened to all that talk of freedom of thought and conscience?)
    Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through His son Jesus Christ, and (here comes that switcheroo again) 'the faithful and discreet slave'. ........"

    9. "Second, the expression of faith refers, not to the conviction that each individual Christian possesses, but to the totality (I wonder if that was a typo, and they meant to say 'totalitarianism" ) of our belief..... In fact, how can a Christian be in oneness with fellow believers if he only believes or accepts a part of 'the faith'? ........"

    I am trying to remember how I would have viewed these words a few months ago, before I learned the truth about the "truth" I know I would have recognized and staggered under the guilt that is meant to be induced by reading these things. Now, this strident attempt to force everyone into lockstep, seems like it has behind it a bit of fear.

  • DB

    Tru, I recieved my WT in the mail today also, and noted the statements you highlight.

    Particularly, the statement that "he...does not harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding". That one really struck me. While I can see why stating personal opinions from the platform or stongly advocating such ideas could affect a congregagtion's unity (meetings, in my view, would become debate forums...though they probably would be far more interesting, LOL), I had always figured that having some private ideas was okay. I guess not, according to the WTS. Disturbing indeed.

  • AGuest

    Those magazines literally make me ill. Literally. I cannot read even one... without getting nauseous. Seriously.

    'Unclean expressions... out of the mouth of the DRAGON (Satan) and out of the mouth of the WILD BEAST (the WT conglomerate) and out of the mouth of the FALSE PROPHET (the GB)... inspired by DEMONS (Gog)...', every last one of them.

    How do I know? Because lies... originate with the 'wicked one'. And while they contain some 'truth' in order to mislead... their 'path'... leads to destruction. Souls are psuedo-destroyed now... and will be literally destroyed later, as a result.

    Gag me with a WT...

    A slave of Christ,

    SJ, who is SO 'happy' to have 'vomited' out that stuff and will NOT return to 'rolling' in it...

  • AngelofMuZiC

    I did the same as you, recieved it today, and ripped off the cover, in total anticipation of the contents. I noticed all of the same things you did. But something is a little different. It seems to me that the BORG is feeling the heat on their backs. They seem a little scared that they are being found out. Or maybe they have read some things from this website, haha.

  • Skimmer

    The WT study article says about a mature Christian: "He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding."

    Uh, isn't this exactly what the governing body members do? And the writing department as well?

  • AGuest

    Dearest Skimmer... may you have peace!

    Uh, actually... what THEY do is refer to the CATHOLIC hierarchy as:

    "A bigoted group of men...
    who sytematically endeavor...
    to throttle all Bible understanding...
    unless it comes through them."

    (Proclaimer's Book, Page 70, Paragraph 1 - cont. from page 69.)

    Ahhhh, hypocrisy. Nothing smells quite like it, eh?

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • patio34


    Thanks for going to the trouble of letting us (people like A Guest and myself who can't stomach a WT) know what the latest scary stuff is.

    But I am curious as to what is going on in the Borg. I'm scared to fall down the rabbit hole again, never to emerge!

    It continues to amaze me how quickly the whole house of cards (the 'present truth') came tumbling down for me, after 28 years. What took so long and why did it crumble within a week or two of investigation?

    Thanks for keeping us up-to-date. I always enjoy your posts.


  • truman

    Hi Pat,
    I know what you mean about fearing to get sucked back in to that rabbit hole. The first few weeks, I was so upset by the buzzwords and still not fully tuned out from the mind control. I can read it now with impunity. (mostly) In fact, analyzing it like this has been an aid to learning to recognize and neutralize its power over me. And it feels so good to be able to express these things which I have keep clamped down inside me for so long, hoping I won't notice them there in the corner of my mind.

    "Gag me with a WT." lol

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