
by the bandersnatch esq. 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • the bandersnatch esq.
    the bandersnatch esq.

    I started doing karate a few months ago. Today, an old memory came flooding back - I remember my mother telling me when I was a child and asked how people could punch through piles of wood, and breeze-blocks and suchlike, she told me it was because they were helped by the demons.

    For years I thought karate was a satanistic activity (no, really!)... now that I've started doing it I realise it's all scientific. The bones in the hand can be built up over time buy applying certain stresses to them, such as punching a wall repeatedly over time, to allow the bones to become hardened, meaning long-term students can punch things without fear of breaking the bones of their hand.

    I told my girlfriend this today (she does karate too), she just laughed, she couldn't believe my parents would come out with such obvious bulls**t, she thinks they're all sweetness and politeness.

    Wait till I tell her about how apparently UFO's are put there by Satan to fool us... :-)

    Oh, the humanity!

  • natalienu

    Yeah!!! Karate rocks!

    I have been doing boxing lately. Lots of fun!

    Have you seen KB2! There is some inspiration to punch holes in wood.

  • the bandersnatch esq.
    the bandersnatch esq.

    Just watched Kill Bill Vol. 1 last night, hoping to go see Vol 2 this week. Unrealistic, but a good laugh! My JW ex-friends heads would probably implode if they watched that... but then again many of them probably already have seen it, and much worse besides...

  • boa

    bandersnatch...i can only remember this word (bandersnatch) used in Larry Niven novels....but maybe its elsewhere as well.....awesome sci fi btw.....

    anywho....i have long wanted to get involved in a martial art - their kewl....their about fitness....their about confidence imo....NOT simply about 'false' religion and violence!


  • josephus


    i havent posted in ages but i wanted to congratulate you for taking up karate.

    ive been fighting for 18 months now and remember how i was told not to do it as a jw.

    im really glad im free to enjoy martial arts.

    one thing though. you should look into MMA or Vale tudo as well as these are the truest expression of fighting skills and form a complete system, ie stand up, ground fighting and so on. this is something Karate lacks.

    keep up the good work.


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