Herald of Christ's Kingdom- Pastoral Bible Institute

by Odrade 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Odrade

    Has anyone seen this? I wonder how closely related to the JWs they are?



  • mustang

    Sounds like a job for... (drum roll, please)... ta-da : RR!!!!


  • GermanXJW

    The PBI was started when Rutherford ousted his fellow directors in 1918. They are closer to Russell's original Bible Students than to todays JW.

  • Leolaia

    Hey, check out the history of the post-Russell schisms of 1917 and 1918:


    I knew of many of these, but I had no idea how international the schisms were. It's like the movement shattered into many shards like a mirror. And I had no idea the Standfasters had their own journal called Old Corn Gems. I wonder if any issues have survived (I bet they'd sell for a lot on eBay). The other surprise was about Mr. MacMillan's talk in September 1914 which sounds reminiscent of some of the "enthusiastic" pre-1975 talks about what was to come. Anyone have a copy of MacMillan's talk "I am Ready to be Offered". That'd be fun to read.

  • blondie

    I have met some of the Bible Students associated with this magazine. They base their beliefs on Pastor Russell's writings and nothing after his death. They produce and sell a nice CD with all his writings.


  • little witch
    little witch

    Ahhhhhh, the mighty apostates of the time...

    Glad you brought this back up Odrade. This was the big spit that occured, and divided the wtbts from the original millerite movement.

    Good work Odrade! It is good to keep people informed of their roots.

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