a question for "THEOCRAT" and other active JWs who post

by NaruNaruChan 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • NaruNaruChan

    ... I've asked this to other active jw's who post on the forum, and I never get a response worth listening to... so here goes, try number 1 million.

    IF you're so faithful to your organization, WHY. ARE. YOU. POSTING. ON. AN. APOSTATE. WEBSITE???

    Obviously you doubt your faith if you're on here. Realize two things before you pick your little brainwashed minds up and leave:

    1. EVERYBODY on this board was once an ACTIVE JW, meaning we've heard the rhetoric over and over again "John 17: 3 says bla bla bla and that's why you should be a mindless robot just like the other 6 million morons in our organization..."

    2. We all left for different reasons, most of them valid, and most of them are things YOUR RELIGION makes excuses for not taking care of. I've heard the argument that "The faithful and discreet slave is not perfect..." Well, they've made some pretty huge mistakes for someone who calls themselves a mediator between a large body of people and God.

    Stop thinking you know better than us all, because really, you don't.

    You're here for a reason, now, obviously one you wouldn't tell your elders about. Why don't you shut up and read and then post something that isn't the same crap the Watchtower shovels down your throat every damned day???

    God, I hate trolls.

  • copsec

    What did I miss that got you this fired up??? I hate trolls too but have not seen anything by one in awhile unless I missed it!

  • NaruNaruChan


    He posted stuff on the 21st about jw's being the only true religion, and it pissed me off because the active ones come on here and it's like, not bad enough that most of us run into them every day aand get shunned, now they have to come on the boaards and get all condescending and expect us to be these stupid fools who somehow "missed" all that crap at the meetings. Ugh, I hate it.

  • XQsThaiPoes



    How can you make such a stupid comment? This is not a forum for apostates only. It says everyone welcome. Why in heck are you so angry that JWs are on the internet? I feel sorry for people that are so emtionally torn that they hate other people just for posting about JWs on a JW site.

  • City Fan
    City Fan


    This is a public forum and anyone, JW or ex-JW can post and participate. Don't let it get to you.

  • Stefanie

    I am sorry but I agree with Naru.... We dont go to the KH and take the mic to call everybody there idiots....

    It gets downright aggrivating to hear the same crap from overly righteous publishers who elevate themselves above everbody else because they think they have the truth. As boa stated on another thread they should go take it to the householders... who IMO dont know any better!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    IF you're so faithful to your organization, WHY. ARE. YOU. POSTING. ON. AN. APOSTATE. WEBSITE???

    Because it's not real. Most, if not all, of these people are not active Jehovah's Witnesses. Realize this is the Internet, where anyone can be anything. These are lonely wannabes who are only after attention. So they will say anything just to get people riled up. Why? They get attention. There have been a few real JWs wander in here, but those that do are not as abrasive and confrontational as some who pretend.

    Solution? Ignore them. Deny them that which they want most: attention.

  • Dawn

    Naru - I know it can really get to you when you're already angry about the situation. There will come a day when you can laugh at it - blow it off - and hold a small amount of hope that they might actually read through some of the other posts and see the light. If not - well...that's their life.

    WE ARE FREE!!!

  • NaruNaruChan

    heh, thanks guys. Sometimes I find myself on here and I get frustrated because it's like, I don't hate dubs, but I hate hypocrisy. I know this is a free board, hell, I exercise my right to say what I want when I want... but I dislike the hypocrisy of active witnesses postin because it's so two-faced.

    How can you make such a stupid comment? This is not a forum for apostates only. It says everyone welcome. Why in heck are you so angry that JWs are on the internet? I feel sorry for people that are so emtionally torn that they hate other people just for posting about JWs on a JW site.

    How can you call me stupid when I'm not the hypocrite. I know this forum is for everybody, but again, do you see the hypocrisy of active witnesses posting?

    Don't pity me, I'm far from emotionally torn.

  • kls

    I also agree with Naru, if the jws come here don't talk and treat us like we don't know what jws are all about, most of us have been there and still have family in. If they want to talk as friends that's fine but keep youre jw preaching to someone that want's to hear it and it sure ain't here. I assure you ,that you nor any other jw will ever , ever get us to go back to the cult we left.

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