?The Great Preaching Paradox of MT. 24:14 ?

by Undaunted Danny 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    The great paradox of Matthew 24:14 Every JW youth or newly recruited,is indoctrinated that the above NT passage is the key scripture,and signature sign that proves. Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONE AND ONLY agent of God.( John 3:16 is the key quote for all the rest of Christianity) It reads: Matthew 24:14 :: King James Version (KJV) "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come".
    Commentary paraphrased from Ray Franz;Here lies the great preaching paradox, JW's claim to be the Evangelist of the world,but for all the preaching that Jehovah's Witnesses do,practically NOBODY knows their belief system and tenets. They know things like they don't salute the flag,don't take blood and don't celebrate Christmas. AND,the countries were they have a foothold ,are parts of the world that have already been Christianized by Missionary's of other Bible based faiths. So,JW's are the plagiarizers of the world.They don't proselytize they Metastasize. It is truly amazing,that for 33 years of WT$ cult cocooned subjugation I really believed that 'flunky' JW Elders were actually appointed,by God's holy spirit. Jesus said that,'his followers would be the 'salt of the earth. In nature it's usually the cream that will rise to the surface, in the Watchtower it's the scum that floats to the top.Empire State Building Mormons vs. Jehovah's Witnesses.First and foremost the folks over at LDS didn't victimize me.The WT$ did,curious though,I did a snap survey a while back. Get this:Mormons outnumber JW's,yet there are significantly MORE per capita disgruntled ex JW web pages. You don't like what we say?"If you can't do the time,don't do the crime.Go cop a plea,you're aop.

  • RunningMan

    for all the preaching that Jehovah's Witnesses do,practically NOBODY knows their belief system and tenets.

    That's true, but the standard JW response is that a billion hours is a pretty big number.

    However, in addition to saying that JWs have failed to fill the earth with their teaching, it could be argued that this scripture had already been fulfilled in the first century, and has no need of a modern fulfullment. Note the words of Romans 10:18

    But I ask, have they not heard? Indeed they have; for "Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world."
  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The roman catholic church has specifically educated / trained members for sending out to preach throughout the earth - has had for nearly 2000 years - and for nearly 2000 years they have traversed the known world, as exploration could accomodate, spreading the basis of 'christianity'.

    I don't think the wtbts tells people that one.

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