My son went to his first b-day party Sat!

by kibizzle 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • kibizzle

    He had a blast, and later that day we ran into an elder and his wife (very judgemental people, even for JW's) and he blurted out that he had been to a friends birthday party. It was all I could do not to crack up! You shoulda seen the looks on their faces. I can't wait for his birthday, I'm already planning a party!:)Kib

  • Xena

    Birthdays are such fun for kids, aren't they? How old is your son? My daughter was 5 when she had her first and she had to make sure everyone knew this was her 1st birthday party ever!

    One of the main reasons I broke with the dubs was because I couldn't get my mind around not celebrating one of the happiest days of my life....the day my daughter was born.

    Glad to hear ya'll had a good time and didn't care who knew it!

  • MicStroz

    Take lots of pictures..and enjoy yourself. That's what life is all about.

  • arrowstar

    How wonderful!!

    I don't know who is going to have more or your son??

    and yes, please take lots of pictures so we can see.


  • kibizzle

    Xena, he's going to be 8 in Dec. I felt the same way about not celebrating my son's birthday as you did not celebrating your daughter's (we both had a difficult time in delivery and I know he's going to be my ONLY). Every year I always secretly got him something special and took him to his favorite restaurant for dinner. He is in 1st grade and in school all day, and I work afternoons so I don't even get to see him during the week but for an hour in the morning. I finally snapped, I just didn't want to spend all my free time with my son getting ready for meetings, going to meetings, coming home from meetings, not to mention studying and field service. And all the doubts, I just couldn't do it anymore.

    Mic and arrow, unfortunately I have a prehistoric computer, I don't have any high tech gadgets like digi- cameras and such. ( It takes me a half hour just to get online!)

    My son once we got to the party- didn't want me to stay! I left him there for an hour and a half, which was great to see him socialize with his classmates, I think being in the borg really stunted his social and emotional growth and it was nice to know he was OK with me leaving.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Kibizzle.

    I enjoy my kids birthday parties too. They always look forward to them.



    Special K

  • desib77

    Awww, what fun! I'm so happy for you both that your son can enjoy being a child birthday parties and all....


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