True love is like playdough.......

by MicStroz 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • MicStroz

    I believe that true love is like playdough........

    You can stretch it, pull it, pound it flat, wrap it around things.

    It's never to short and never too long. Hell you can bounce it off

    the walls. But, the love I have felt or seen from my family and

    the christian congergation of Jehovah's Witnesses is more like a

    cold hard brick. Nothing like having the family throw bricks at ya!

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi Mic,

    Isn't that the truth? I'm just glad to know you have found both forms of love in your life.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Micstrov..

    Welcome to the forum...

    I never thought of comparing the J.W. society to a brick..

    sounds about right to me..

    they could sing. "Who wrote the brick of Love." instead of "who wrote the book of love"

    thanks for your thoughts on this


    Special K

  • weasel

    Hello Mic and welcome to the board,

    Loved your comments. Yah know, I don?t remember a Kingdom Hall that was not made of brick.


  • Larry

    Great post Mic. Reminds me of an e-mail I got the other day:

    F.A.M.I.L.Y. = Father And Mother I Love You.

    Unfortunately the BORG doesn't know about that definition of love. I'm going to have to call the BORG "Brick City."

    Peace - LL

  • Dan-O
    I believe that true love is like playdough........

    Because it makes that little farting noise when you put it back in the container?

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