Even the DMV clerk is a JW..

by Sassy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    I go to get my drivers license renewed today and wouldn't you know.. a JW waited on me.. She was looking at my address and saying about how the assembly hall is right there... yada yada yada.. I paused for a second wondering if I should pretend to be a JW still.. I mean I needed my license.. and I was a little concerned she was going to push for proof of insurance (which I forgot to bring with me).. so I wanted to be on her good side.. then it dawned on me.....I had checked the box about registering to vote.......

    exnay on the pretending to be a JW still..

    then I thought I could say my mom was a JW.. a pioneer even..

    naaah.. not worth it.. I am just plain a REGULAR person... and she can give me good service.. so I didn't say a word!! I just smiled..

  • MicStroz

    If you don't mind than they don't matter

  • sf

    Yep, damned cockroaches everywhere.


  • Stephanus
    naaah.. not worth it.. I am just plain a REGULAR person... and she can give me good service.. so I didn't say a word!! I just smiled..

    Sounds like the sensible approach to me.

    Strange that she should talk to you about the assembly hall, however. I'm guessing that there are govt. regs about public servants proselytising on govt. time, that she was probably in breach of. Or did she perhaps vaguely recognise you, and was she trying to see if you'd go for the bait?

  • 4JWY

    Hi Sassy!

    You KNOW she was counting her time, don't you?

  • simplesally

    You are not regular Sassy!

    You are FABULOUS!

  • Euphemism

    Steph, I would say that it depends on how she phrased it. If it was just conversational: "Oh, yeah, I know that area, that's where the Assembly Hall of JWs that I go to is," I think it would be okay.

  • LoverOfTruth

    You probably stunned her with your smile! I think you did the right thing. :-)

  • Sassy

    I am sure she was looking for a little tiny "in" to informal witness... but I didn't bite....

    it did cross my mind.. geez.. I wonder what she'd think if she knew she was smiling and talking to an apostate..

  • Stefanie
    I wonder what she'd think if she knew she was smiling and talking to an apostate..

    She would soil herself!

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