Question for elders, peeps in the know.?

by zev 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    is there a way to
    a:find out if a "file" exists on me?
    b:get to see it?
    c:is there a way to force the issue to make them show it?
    d:any other helpfull advise appreciated :-)


    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • Thirdson


    :a:find out if a "file" exists on me?

    Get a solicitor (UK lower type lawyer) to write to the WTS in London and to your local KH and state under the terms of the Data Protection act a request for them to provide all coies of all written documentation about you.

    :b:get to see it?

    Not likely, the best that you could hope for is a letter stating any written files on you have been destroyed

    :c:is there a way to force the issue to make them show it?

    Try the lawyer approach in a) but don't hold your breath

    :d:any other helpfull advise appreciated :-)

    Depending on what you think they have on you in files, you will not get much if anything. I have seen previously a copy of a letter to all UK elders and a while back seen the actual copy of a letter regarding files. These letters ahd to do with destroying confidential and other written documents. The earlier one was about protecting written documents containing confessions from pedophiles that the WTS wanted protected, and hidden in the event of a court ordered disclosure of information (subpoena).

    Local congregations normally don't hold files on members except publisher record cards. The WTS is notified of the names of all baptized persons and is informed of names, DOB and baptism for all recommended appointments. They are notified of all DA'ings and DF'ings so I would assume the WTS has a master member list.

    The only file that congregations keep and that won't give up is anything written about you from a judicial hearing. I am not sure since I don't live in the UK and haven't been an elder for more than 6 years, but I think most notes are destroyed and the only thing kept after a JC, in the congregation files, is the verdict form.

    Some others in the know in the UK might be able to help more.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • nelly136
  • zev

    maybe i should stae, for the record, i live in the states.

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • Amazing

    Hi Zev:

    a: You can find out if a "file" exists on you. Go to your PO and ask. If you have not been known to have any apostate leanings or other serious issues, and you have not been rreproved in the last 5 years, and are still active in the organization, likely there is no file. In my exoerience we had files on about 30% to 40% of the congregation at any point in time, because they all had some kind of problem, usually a sexual transgression of somekind. MOre recently, those leaving the organization who are suspected of having apostate ideas may have files on them.

    b & c: Can you get to see the file? Likely not. If you brought legal action and knew excactly where the file was, then you might be able to get a subpeona, and only if the Elders did not hide it or destroy it. Another way might be to get into the Hall where the files are kept under lock and key, and see if you can sneak into it. If I could I would not only do that, but would take the file and keep it. Otherwise, unless an Elder happened to have your file, and you happen to be at his house and see it laying our, they will not voluntarily let you see it.

    d: You asked for any other helpfull advice. Why do you want to know if there is a file on you and what do you believe it might contain? The best way to reduce the risk of there being a file is to do nothing that would be a cause of action. Live like a JW. And then one day quietly move far away and start a new life, and never let any JWs know where you moved. Then in five years the Elders are supposed to destroy any records, such as Pub Record Cards and any other files. Otherwise there is little you can do about any of it.

    I suggest that unless you suspect there is damaging information on file with the Elders, then let it go and in time it will die. The besat advice I can give is NEVER write anything to them, and ALWAYS require that they put everything in writing to you, OR have several "friendly" family members or other 'trusted' friends on hand to observe and listen if any Elders visit with you, and insist on having a tape recorder running at all times, and make sure you own the tape and never let the Elders have it ... or better yet, have a home camcorder and video tape any and all meetings. Never let the Elders have copies of anything. This will stop them from bothering you and you will stay in control. Hope this helps some. - Amazing

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