books that explain the bible

by zen nudist 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    If one claims that the bible is THE inspired word of God, good for teaching, etc.... would not the making of books to explain the bible mean that you beileve that God did not know what he was doing and needed man's help?

    I see so many claiming that the spirit of God is required to help one understand the bible, but what does that have to do with books? is that the spirit of God? some how I doubt that is what the authors intended.... and if God made a book that hardly anyone could understand, perhaps it was for a reason and those who are trying to make the masses understand are working against the apparent will of God, no?

  • frankiespeakin


    I think you make a very valid point.

    Of coarse we,, would be hard press to fight you logic,,with logic,,,and so we would need to fight it with illogic,,,and then the picture some how,,, become all so clear,,,a bit fuzzy around the edges but clear through the funnel of illogical thinking.

  • Faraon

    Zen, you ignoramous,

    If one claims that the bible is THE inspired word of God, good for teaching, etc.... would not the making of books to explain the bible mean that you beileve that God did not know what he was doing and needed man's help?

    Don't you know that only the WT can help you understand it?

    You see, when this was written there was NO new testament. Paul was talking about the Septuagint, which included books that later were pronounced not inspired by the Jewish Cannon. Later on, the Christian church also took a look at all gospels and letters circulating around and it was decided that the vote of the mayority was divinely inspired and kept only those books that agreed with the conservative mayority, mainly books that were written by Paul, who knew better than "Jesus" since he was a pharisee. It took 1900 for the true word of god to come to a New Light (TM) as it was prophetized.

    2 Kings 17:9
    The Israelites secretly did things against the LORD their God that were not right. From watchtower to fortified city they built themselves high places in all their towns.

    See, they knew that by getting tall buildings they would receive the New Light (TM) quicker, and it became clear that only from this watchtower they could spread the Good News (TM) that god was going to kill everyone except people who sold their magazines.


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