They march like ants...

by biblexaminer 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • biblexaminer

    This song is meant to be sung with the music from "The ants go marching one by one"

    They march like ants from door to door
    Hurah... Hurah
    There goes one now, here comes two more
    Hurah... Hurah
    They knock at the door, and they ring the bell
    The people tell'em to go to hell
    But like ants they go on marching from door to door.
    ....marching from door to door

    They step to the porch, looking around
    and praying that nobody's home
    When nobody comes they thank God out loud
    they turn and continue to roam.

    Relief is short lived, as they head to the walk
    They gotta keep goin', cause they're on the clock

    In the watch---tow---er---world, there's always another door
    ...always another door.

  • Cautious

    didn't know you knew about my old witnessing sytle though

    They step to the porch, looking around
    and praying that nobody's home
    When nobody comes they thank God out loud
    they turn and continue to roam.
  • patio34


    Well, I sang it out loud and enjoyed it very much! Thanks!


  • COMF

    Excellent! Love it!

    Man, with all this talent we've got on the board, we could have our own apostate songbook in no time!


  • Francois

    Apostate songbook! What an idea!! We could even use the theme from various items of classical music without attribution so we could be like the Borg who inspired that kinda intellectual theft.

    There was another technique I used in service as well. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I would go to the door and pretend to rind the bell. Even when there wasn't one. I'd wait, Oh, ten seconds, leave a back issue of the Awake (of which I had an inexhaustable supply) and then I was outta there. Everyone benefitted. The householder who had seen me come up the walk was puzzled, but relieved. I was relieved that I didn't actually have to attempt to justify my miserable presence on someone's front porch peddling the latest excrescence from the Brooklyn Borg. The fanatic who brought us out into the territory benefitted since we were working his territory for him. And the Borg benefitted since I'd actually gotten rid of another of its inexcuseable magazines.

    Reminded me of the scene in Star Wars VI, where C3PO used a very similar technique at the door to Jabba the Hut's Palace. When I first saw that scene, I was indeed ROTFLMAO.


    My $0.02

  • Prisca


    I want you to know that ever since I read your post this afternoon, the "Marching Ants" song had NOT left my head! It's been stuck inside my mind, singing "Hoorah, hoorah"!!

    Francois, since when did Star Wars VI come out? Did I miss it??

  • biblexaminer

    Hey Francoise.

    I am faking ringing the bells. Been doing it about a year now.

    In the last 6 months I think I have actually had to speak to somebody only twice. Both, as I recall, were short.. "not interested"

    Once, when somebody said "not interested" I accidentally gave voice to my inner thoughts and said "great"!!!

    BTW. When I first put this song to paper, I have not been able to get it out of my head. I wrote it last year, and out of the blue I posted it, not even looking up my notes. It just stuck.

    I found myself out in service a while ago singing it, and another dub noticed it and gave me the eye.

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